Ray intersection with Mesh with toxiclibs

edited January 2016 in Library Questions

Hi all,

I'm trying to load an stl mesh and calculate ray intersection with it. I google it and found that the only library that does it is toxiclibs. I found an example online on this forum but the answer is pointing to a dead url. (https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/5431/toxiclibs-intersect-mesh-with-ray) When I copy the code, I get a bunch of errors (Toxiclibs 20 and peasycam are installed).

Do you know if toxiclis is compatible with P3? Should I use P2?

I'm really new to processing and self taught coder. Can you please help me ?



  • I don't see toxiclibs listed in the new tool loader in P3. I would assume that they are not compatible. You may have to revert to an older version of Processing.

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