Unknown bug, complete game execute from IDE but not work after export aplication.

edited January 2016 in Using Processing

Hi folks, I leave with you a complete game I've scheduled processing, the application works perfectly from the editor, but when I export not want to run. I'm desperate, that can not be .. Originally an app for processing 2.2.1 this bug but I have made port it to 3.0.1 and does not work once it has exported ..

I have no idea that it could be happening, please help.

DOWNLOAD: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65979707/processing/iDrawFamily.zip



  • Anyone know why the program does not work when I export?

  • solved, processing problems installing 2.2.1 and 3.0.1 on the same PC, it seems that some library has been mixed.

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