does offscreen graphics buffer has a pixels array?

function setup() {
  var g = createGraphics(200, 200);
  var img = createImage(200, 200, RGB);

print out:



  • Hmm it should have... Perhaps it is only created after beginDraw()/endDraw() ?

  • edited December 2015
  • edited December 2015
    • Oops my bad! This question is about p5.js! b-(
    • Due to some inexplicable & gross oversight, p5.Renderer doesn't inherit from p5.Image! 8-}
    • And p5.Image doesn't inherit from p5.Element as p5.Renderer does either!
    • I've already ranted about it a couple of times here. But no signs it had been heard at all! [-(
  • Oooopps, my bad also. I missed the var and the tag. The code you posted just works fine in java mode...

  • Can we make a request for this feature in P5?

  • @GotoLoop I guess you were heard. <:-P I was trying to fix it.

  • edited February 2016
    • I'm afraid not! Those kinda bugs keeps popping out and they always act surprised.
    • A clear sign they haven't read 1 word I kept on saying here in this forum for years!
    • They'll just keep using band-aids to "fix" those bugs along the way.
    • But w/o cutting off the root of the problem which making p5.Renderer be a subclass of p5.Image.
    • And also getting rid of that useless hackish p5.Graphics wrapper for p5.Renderer.
  • I was just wondering about that... I was hoping this would work:

    var pg;
    function setup() {
      var canvas = createCanvas(100, 100);
    function draw() {
      pg = createGraphics(100, 100);  
      var pink = color(255, 102, 204);
      var d = pg.pixelDensity();
      var halfImage = 4 * (width * d) * (height/2 * d);
      for (var i = 0; i < halfImage; i+=4) {
        pg.pixels[i] = red(pink);
        pg.pixels[i+1] = green(pink);
        pg.pixels[i+2] = blue(pink);
        pg.pixels[i+3] = alpha(pink);
      image(pg, 0, 0);

    But I don't think it does. (PS how do I do a fancy code block?)

  • edited February 2016

    I was trying to code an example to test p5.Image & p5.Graphics together and stumbled in a puzzling nasty halting bug after issuing updatePixels(), which I've got no idea why! ~X(

    <script src= defer></script>
     * Image & Graphics Test (v1.2)
     * GoToLoop (2016-Feb-20)
     * does-offscreen-graphics-buffer-has-a-pixels-array
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(600, 400)
    function draw() {
      "use strict"
      const im = createImage(width, height>>1),
            pg = createGraphics(width, height>>1),
            red  = [0xff, 0, 0, 0xff],
            blue = [0, 0, 0xff, 0xff]
      makeImage(im, red)  // p5.Image halts whole sketch!
      //makeImage(pg, blue) // p5.Graphics doesn't halt, but doesn't work either!
      //set(0, 0, im)
      //set(0, height>>1, pg)
      image(im, 0, 0)
      image(pg, 0, height>>1)
    function makeImage(img, c) {
      "use strict"
      const p = img.pixels
      for (let i = 0; i < p.length; i += 4)
        for (let j = 0; j < 4; p[i+j] = c[j++]);
      img.updatePixels() // halt bug?!
      return img
  • edited February 2016

    Found the halting bug. 2nd for loop needed an ending semi-colon ;
    in order not to pick up img.updatePixels()! X_X

    But it turns out that p5.Renderer objects don't have property pixels[] at all!
    But surprisingly, main p5.Renderer canvas is the exception and it got 1!!! 8-}

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