G4P V4 for PS3 : Window closing problem : Linux/Windows testers wanted please :)

edited October 2015 in Library Questions
This discussion was created from comments split from: PS3 - Secondary window problem with WindowListener.


  • Hello, I use the new GP4 for Processing 3 and I see you're talking about "setActionOnClose" that gives me some problems when I close a GWindow. If I close using the "x" window buton, An error occurs sometimes and java says: Component must have a valid peer

    if I close the same window with a closing buton I created with GP4. I have an error (sometimes) and java says: Buffers have not been created

    There is a problem with this closing function, maybe linked to the problem u try to solve. Thank you and congratulations for your good work on this very helpfull GUI

  • @GLG I have split this off from the previous discussion because it is not related to the issue raised in it and I think it is worth its own discussion. :)

    An error occurs sometimes and java says: Component must have a valid peer

    I have an error (sometimes) and java says: Buffers have not been created

    When someone tells you they have a problem with your code the last word you want to hear is sometimes. Errors that appear then disappear then reappear are a nightmare to solve. OK so having said that lets see if we can narrow it down.

    The GWindow supports JAVA2D, P2D and P3D redererers, the last two are OpenGL based and since PS3 G4P has to treat these as different window types. In fact if you look at the GWindow reference you will see that GWindow is an abstract class with 2 child classes, GWindowAWT is for JAVA2D renderer and GWindowNEWT for P2D/P3D renderers.


    So some questions for you
    1) what type of renderer was being used?

    2) can you post a minimal sketch that demonstrates the problem (even it it is only happens sometimes)?

    3) What is your OS?

    I think that is enough to get me started on the problem.

  • Hello, sorry, I didn't see your answer. I use java2D in the setup and in all the G4P new windows made on ubuntu. Yes, I saw these 2 kinds of child class but I don't know how to use them. I just kept the former version made automatically by G4P builder on Processing2.1. I will check the GWindowAWT tomorrow on your reference if there is any answer I will try to reproduce the problem on a shorter code Thank u

  • hello, here a simple window test I made this morning on processing 2.2.1 and transfered to processing 3. I just used G4P Builder in processing2 to make the test. I just changed the place of the code to be able to open and close the 2 new window. And I have the same error when I use the button to close: "Component must have a valid peer" this error happens after clicking on open and close a few times...strange... But I didn't get any error on the "x" buton at the top of the window.!

  • //here is the first tab // Need G4P library import g4p_controls.*;

    String[] List1 = {"Maison","Jardin"}; String[] List2 = {"Auto","Vélo"};

    public void setup(){ size(480, 320, JAVA2D); createGUI(); customGUI(); // Place your setup code here


    public void draw(){ background(230);


    // Use this method to add additional statements // to customise the GUI controls public void customGUI(){


  • //Here is the second tab;

    /* ========================================================= * ==== WARNING === * ========================================================= * The code in this tab has been generated from the GUI form * designer and care should be taken when editing this file. * Only add/edit code inside the event handlers i.e. only * use lines between the matching comment tags. e.g.

    void myBtnEvents(GButton button) { //CODE:button1:12356: // It is safe to enter your event code here
    } //CODE:button1:12356:

    • Do not rename this tab!
    • ========================================================= */

    public void dropList1_click1(GDropList source, GEvent event) { //CODE:dropList1:617524: println("dropList1 - GDropList >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis()); } //CODE:dropList1:617524:

    public void slider2d1_change1(GSlider2D source, GEvent event) { //CODE:slider2d1:375237: println("slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis()); } //CODE:slider2d1:375237:

    public void buttonOpen1_click1(GButton source, GEvent event) { //CODE:buttonOpen1:323283: println("button1 - GButton >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis()); window1 = GWindow.getWindow(this, "Window N°1", 0, 0, 400, 300, JAVA2D); window1.setActionOnClose(G4P.CLOSE_WINDOW); window1.addDrawHandler(this, "win_draw1"); label2 = new GLabel(window1, 10, 10, 80, 20); label2.setText("My label"); label2.setOpaque(false); textfield1 = new GTextField(window1, 110, 10, 160, 30, G4P.SCROLLBARS_NONE); textfield1.setOpaque(true); textfield1.addEventHandler(this, "textfield1_change1"); textarea1 = new GTextArea(window1, 110, 60, 160, 80, G4P.SCROLLBARS_NONE); textarea1.setOpaque(true); textarea1.addEventHandler(this, "textarea1_change1"); dropList2 = new GDropList(window1, 110, 160, 90, 80, 3); dropList2.setItems(List2, 0); dropList2.addEventHandler(this, "dropList2_click1"); buttonclose1 = new GButton(window1, 280, 240, 100, 30); buttonclose1.setText("CloseWindow1"); buttonclose1.addEventHandler(this, "buttonclose1_click1"); } //CODE:buttonOpen1:323283:

    public void buttonOpen2_click1(GButton source, GEvent event) { //CODE:buttonOpen2:781089: println("button3 - GButton >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis()); window2 = GWindow.getWindow(this, "Window N°2", 0, 0, 300, 300, JAVA2D); window2.setActionOnClose(G4P.CLOSE_WINDOW); window2.addDrawHandler(this, "win_draw2"); label3 = new GLabel(window2, 20, 20, 80, 20); label3.setText("My label"); label3.setOpaque(false); textfield2 = new GTextField(window2, 120, 20, 160, 30, G4P.SCROLLBARS_NONE); textfield2.setOpaque(true); textfield2.addEventHandler(this, "textfield2_change1"); buttonClose2 = new GButton(window2, 190, 170, 100, 30); buttonClose2.setText("CloseWindow2"); buttonClose2.addEventHandler(this, "buttonClose2_click1"); } //CODE:buttonOpen2:781089:

    synchronized public void win_draw1(PApplet appc, GWinData data) { //CODE:window1:995540: appc.background(230); } //CODE:window1:995540:

    public void textfield1_change1(GTextField source, GEvent event) { //CODE:textfield1:897802: println("textfield1 - GTextField >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis()); } //CODE:textfield1:897802:

    public void textarea1_change1(GTextArea source, GEvent event) { //CODE:textarea1:408274: println("textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis()); } //CODE:textarea1:408274:

    public void dropList2_click1(GDropList source, GEvent event) { //CODE:dropList2:531428: println("dropList2 - GDropList >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis()); } //CODE:dropList2:531428:

    public void buttonclose1_click1(GButton source, GEvent event) { //CODE:buttonclose1:839570: println("buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis()); window1.close(); } //CODE:buttonclose1:839570:

    synchronized public void win_draw2(PApplet appc, GWinData data) { //CODE:window2:774241: appc.background(230); } //CODE:window2:774241:

    public void textfield2_change1(GTextField source, GEvent event) { //CODE:textfield2:808973: println("textfield2 - GTextField >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis()); } //CODE:textfield2:808973:

    public void buttonClose2_click1(GButton source, GEvent event) { //CODE:buttonClose2:541936: println("button2 - GButton >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis()); window2.close(); } //CODE:buttonClose2:541936:

    // Create all the GUI controls. // autogenerated do not edit public void createGUI(){ G4P.messagesEnabled(false); G4P.setGlobalColorScheme(GCScheme.BLUE_SCHEME); G4P.setCursor(ARROW); if(frame != null) frame.setTitle("Sketch Window"); dropList1 = new GDropList(this, 10, 20, 90, 80, 3); dropList1.setItems(List1, 0); dropList1.addEventHandler(this, "dropList1_click1"); label1 = new GLabel(this, 20, 60, 80, 20); label1.setText("My label"); label1.setOpaque(false); slider2d1 = new GSlider2D(this, 170, 20, 140, 50); slider2d1.setLimitsX(0.5, 0.0, 1.0); slider2d1.setLimitsY(0.5, 0.0, 1.0); slider2d1.setNumberFormat(G4P.DECIMAL, 2); slider2d1.setOpaque(true); slider2d1.addEventHandler(this, "slider2d1_change1"); buttonOpen1 = new GButton(this, 20, 130, 100, 30); buttonOpen1.setText("OpenWindow1"); buttonOpen1.addEventHandler(this, "buttonOpen1_click1"); buttonOpen2 = new GButton(this, 360, 130, 100, 30); buttonOpen2.setText("OpenWindow2"); buttonOpen2.addEventHandler(this, "buttonOpen2_click1");


    // Variable declarations // autogenerated do not edit GDropList dropList1; GLabel label1; GSlider2D slider2d1; GButton buttonOpen1; GButton buttonOpen2; GWindow window1; GLabel label2; GTextField textfield1; GTextArea textarea1; GDropList dropList2; GButton buttonclose1; GWindow window2; GLabel label3; GTextField textfield2; GButton buttonClose2;

  • Sorry, I don't see where to send the whole file on this website I hope it will help anyway

  • I use the new GP4 for Processing 3

    I just kept the former version made automatically by G4P builder on Processing2.1

    You seem to be mixing versions of Processing, G4P and GUI Builder

    Note that PS2 and PS3 are very different beasts and you have to use the correct versions for

    PS2 use G4P 3.5.4 and GUI Builder 2.6
    PS3 use G4P 4.0 and GUI Builder 4.0

    Rather than post the entire sketch code here I will send to you a PM with my email address. Archive the sketch (Tools > Archive) and attach it to an email stating what version you have used DO NOT MIX AND MATCH

  • Hi everyone GLG and I have been looking into this problem and the errors occur in ubuntu but not OS X. We would like Linux and Windows users to test the sketch below.

    To do that you need PS3 and to install G4P 4.0 through the PDE. Run the sketch open and close the windows a few times and tell us how you got on. Let us know OS, success/failure and a copy of any error messages.

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    import g4p_controls.*;
    String[] List1 = {"Maison", "Jardin"};
    String[] List2 = {"Auto", "Vélo"};
    public void setup() {
      size(480, 320, JAVA2D);
    public void draw() {
    public void dropList1_click1(GDropList source, GEvent event) { //_CODE_:dropList1:617524:
      println("dropList1 - GDropList >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis());
    } //_CODE_:dropList1:617524:
    public void slider2d1_change1(GSlider2D source, GEvent event) { //_CODE_:slider2d1:375237:
      println("slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis());
    } //_CODE_:slider2d1:375237:
    public void buttonOpen1_click1(GButton source, GEvent event) { //_CODE_:buttonOpen1:323283:
      println("button1 - GButton >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis());
      window1 = GWindow.getWindow(this, "Window N°1", 0, 0, 400, 300, JAVA2D);
      window1.addDrawHandler(this, "win_draw1");
      label2 = new GLabel(window1, 10, 10, 80, 20);
      label2.setText("My label");
      textfield1 = new GTextField(window1, 110, 10, 160, 30, G4P.SCROLLBARS_NONE);
      textfield1.addEventHandler(this, "textfield1_change1");
      textarea1 = new GTextArea(window1, 110, 60, 160, 80, G4P.SCROLLBARS_NONE);
      textarea1.addEventHandler(this, "textarea1_change1");
      dropList2 = new GDropList(window1, 110, 160, 90, 80, 3);
      dropList2.setItems(List2, 0);
      dropList2.addEventHandler(this, "dropList2_click1");
      buttonclose1 = new GButton(window1, 280, 240, 100, 30);
      buttonclose1.addEventHandler(this, "buttonclose1_click1");
    } //_CODE_:buttonOpen1:323283:
    public void buttonOpen2_click1(GButton source, GEvent event) { //_CODE_:buttonOpen2:781089:
      println("button3 - GButton >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis());
      window2 = GWindow.getWindow(this, "Window N°2", 0, 0, 300, 300, JAVA2D);
      window2.addDrawHandler(this, "win_draw2");
      label3 = new GLabel(window2, 20, 20, 80, 20);
      label3.setText("My label");
      textfield2 = new GTextField(window2, 120, 20, 160, 30, G4P.SCROLLBARS_NONE);
      textfield2.addEventHandler(this, "textfield2_change1");
      buttonClose2 = new GButton(window2, 190, 170, 100, 30);
      buttonClose2.addEventHandler(this, "buttonClose2_click1");
    } //_CODE_:buttonOpen2:781089:
    synchronized public void win_draw1(PApplet appc, GWinData data) { //_CODE_:window1:995540:
    } //_CODE_:window1:995540:
    public void textfield1_change1(GTextField source, GEvent event) { //_CODE_:textfield1:897802:
      println("textfield1 - GTextField >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis());
    } //_CODE_:textfield1:897802:
    public void textarea1_change1(GTextArea source, GEvent event) { //_CODE_:textarea1:408274:
      println("textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis());
    } //_CODE_:textarea1:408274:
    public void dropList2_click1(GDropList source, GEvent event) { //_CODE_:dropList2:531428:
      println("dropList2 - GDropList >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis());
    } //_CODE_:dropList2:531428:
    public void buttonclose1_click1(GButton source, GEvent event) { //_CODE_:buttonclose1:839570:
      println("buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis());
    } //_CODE_:buttonclose1:839570:
    synchronized public void win_draw2(PApplet appc, GWinData data) { //_CODE_:window2:774241:
    } //_CODE_:window2:774241:
    public void textfield2_change1(GTextField source, GEvent event) { //_CODE_:textfield2:808973:
      println("textfield2 - GTextField >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis());
    } //_CODE_:textfield2:808973:
    public void buttonClose2_click1(GButton source, GEvent event) { //_CODE_:buttonClose2:541936:
      println("button2 - GButton >> GEvent." + event + " @ " + millis());
    } //_CODE_:buttonClose2:541936:
    public void createGUI() {
      if (frame != null)
        frame.setTitle("Sketch Window");
      dropList1 = new GDropList(this, 10, 20, 90, 80, 3);
      dropList1.setItems(List1, 0);
      dropList1.addEventHandler(this, "dropList1_click1");
      label1 = new GLabel(this, 20, 60, 80, 20);
      label1.setText("My label");
      slider2d1 = new GSlider2D(this, 170, 20, 140, 50);
      slider2d1.setLimitsX(0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
      slider2d1.setLimitsY(0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
      slider2d1.setNumberFormat(G4P.DECIMAL, 2);
      slider2d1.addEventHandler(this, "slider2d1_change1");
      buttonOpen1 = new GButton(this, 20, 130, 100, 30);
      buttonOpen1.addEventHandler(this, "buttonOpen1_click1");
      buttonOpen2 = new GButton(this, 360, 130, 100, 30);
      buttonOpen2.addEventHandler(this, "buttonOpen2_click1");
    GDropList dropList1; 
    GLabel label1; 
    GSlider2D slider2d1; 
    GButton buttonOpen1; 
    GButton buttonOpen2; 
    GWindow window1;
    GLabel label2; 
    GTextField textfield1; 
    GTextArea textarea1; 
    GDropList dropList2; 
    GButton buttonclose1; 
    GWindow window2;
    GLabel label3; 
    GTextField textfield2; 
    GButton buttonClose2; 
  • Ok, did it on Linuxmint 17.1, 64bit. tried opening and closing both windows without touching anything else. worked ok. after touching one time a droplist had that 'valid peer' error:

    Setting 'Run Sketches on Display' preference to display 1
    Use surface.setTitle() instead of frame.setTitle in Processing 3
       G4P V4.0 created by Peter Lager
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 70163
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 75731
    button3 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 78808
    button2 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 80859
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 82659
    button3 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 87581
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 92667
    dropList2 - GDropList >> GEvent.SELECTED @ 97318
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 98717
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Component must have a valid peer
        at java.awt.Component$FlipBufferStrategy.flip(Component.java:4084)
        at java.awt.Component$FlipBufferStrategy.show(Component.java:4205)
        at processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT.render(PSurfaceAWT.java:303)
        at processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT$12.callDraw(PSurfaceAWT.java:1524)
        at processing.core.PSurfaceNone$AnimationThread.run(PSurfaceNone.java:316)
  • edited October 2015

    ..and second time happened after more playing around, so nothing helpful:

    Use surface.setTitle() instead of frame.setTitle in Processing 3
       G4P V4.0 created by Peter Lager
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 2260
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 4605
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 5758
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 7109
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 8595
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 9870
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 11130
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 14381
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 17954
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 21219
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 22626
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 24269
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 25509
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 26952
    dropList2 - GDropList >> GEvent.SELECTED @ 31791
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 33407
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 35530
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 36978
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 38164
    dropList2 - GDropList >> GEvent.SELECTED @ 40705
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 41771
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 43681
    dropList2 - GDropList >> GEvent.SELECTED @ 49822
    textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent.GETS_FOCUS @ 50438
    textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent.CHANGED @ 50789
    textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent.SELECTION_CHANGED @ 50905
    textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent.CHANGED @ 50905
    textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent.CHANGED @ 51056
    textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent.CHANGED @ 51072
    textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent.CHANGED @ 51156
    textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent.CHANGED @ 51974
    textarea1 - GTextArea >> GEvent.LOST_FOCUS @ 53655
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 53788
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55482
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55498
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55514
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55531
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55548
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55565
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55582
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55598
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55632
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55714
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55731
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55748
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55765
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55782
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55798
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55815
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55831
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55915
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 55998
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56014
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56048
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56082
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56098
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56115
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56198
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56231
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56248
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56265
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56281
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56348
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56382
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56398
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56414
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56448
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56465
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56515
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56548
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56564
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56581
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56598
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56615
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56631
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56648
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56665
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56681
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56698
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56714
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56731
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56764
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56781
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56798
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56815
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56832
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56848
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56865
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56881
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56898
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56914
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56931
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56949
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56964
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56981
    slider2d1 - GSlider2D >> GEvent.VALUE_STEADY @ 56998
    button3 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 58548
    button2 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 60438
    button3 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 62815
    button2 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 65741
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 68689
    dropList2 - GDropList >> GEvent.SELECTED @ 71447
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 72531
    dropList1 - GDropList >> GEvent.SELECTED @ 77644
    button1 - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 79411
    dropList2 - GDropList >> GEvent.SELECTED @ 84600
    buttonclose - GButton >> GEvent.CLICKED @ 85867
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Component must have a valid peer
        at java.awt.Component$FlipBufferStrategy.flip(Component.java:4084)
        at java.awt.Component$FlipBufferStrategy.show(Component.java:4205)
        at processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT.render(PSurfaceAWT.java:303)
        at processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT$12.callDraw(PSurfaceAWT.java:1524)
        at processing.core.PSurfaceNone$AnimationThread.run(PSurfaceNone.java:316)
  • Answer ✓

    @spiderdab thanks for taking the time to do that, GLG reported the error on ubuntu but I could not reproduce it on OS X. This confirms that there is a problem with G4P closing windows. The error message is consistant and gives me clues towards a solution.

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