Paint music / Create music with colors ! need help

edited October 2013 in Library Questions

Hi, I have been trying to make a paint music application or say creating music with colors application. Here what's happening, when you draw on canvas with a color it detects the blob of the drawing/stroke and picks the color from its centroid using get() function. B-)

Furthermore, currently it plays randomly three different file when it detects the r,g,b values of color of the centroid. I have called 16 audio file and divided it into three sets, for 0< r values < 256 it plays randomly any file (0,5) // for 0< g values < 256 it plays randomly any file (5, 10) // for 0< b values < 256 it plays randomly any file (10,16)

The idea was each time when a color gets detected three different sounds would play.

Problems: :-B :-B

  • A. Default j=0 gets played after running the application (I don't want this)
  • B. I do generate random color by hitting any key and draw with that color but some times blob doesn't get detected.
  • C. (This is a logic problem) It should play only file at a time but after sometime random number gets activated and generates new numbers and new files gets played. I want that new files only get played when a new stroke gets drawn/ new blob gets detected.

      import Blobscanner.*;
      import ddf.minim.*;
      Minim minim;
      AudioPlayer[] player = new AudioPlayer[16];
      PGraphics edges;
      PGraphics testLayer;
      Detector bs;
      int minimumWeight = 900;
      final int MAXEDGES = (500*500)/4; 
      int[] X ;
      int[] Y ;
      color c;
      int A, B, C;
      void setup() {
        size(500, 500);
        bs = new Detector(this, 0, 0, width, height, 255);
        edges = createGraphics(width, height);
        testLayer = createGraphics(width, height);
        minim = new Minim(this);
        for (int i=0; i<player.length;i++) {
          String str = "matter_"+i+".mp3";
          player[i] = minim.loadFile(str); // loadSample( "FILE NAME", Buffer size);
      void draw() {
        if (keyPressed) {
          c = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
        if (mousePressed) {
          //    testLayer.fill(c);
          //    testLayer.noStroke();
          testLayer.line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
          //testLayer.ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 30, 30);
        int k = 0;
        bs.findCentroids(false, false);
        for (int i = 0; boolean( X[i]); i++) {
          edges.stroke(0, 255, 0);
          edges.point(X[i], Y[i]);//or do what you want
        bs.findCentroids(false, false);
        for (int i = 0; i < bs.getBlobsNumber(); i++) {
          edges.point(bs.getCentroidX(i), bs.getCentroidY(i));
          //    println(bs.getCentroidX(i)+ " " + bs.getCentroidY(i));
          text("G", bs.getCentroidX(i), bs.getCentroidY(i));
          color c = testLayer.get((int)bs.getCentroidX(i), (int)bs.getCentroidY(i));
          float r = red(c);
          float g = green(c);
          float b = blue(c);
          //println("r " + r + " g " + g + " b " + b);
          //-----------------RED CHANNEL ---------------------
          if (0<r && r< 256 && player[A].isPlaying() ) { 
            A = (int)random(0, 5);
          if (!player[A].isPlaying()) {
          //------------------GREEN CHANNLE ------------------
          if (0<g && g< 256 && player[B].isPlaying() ) { 
            B = (int)random(5, 10);
          if (!player[B].isPlaying()) {
          //-----------------BLUE CHANNEL --------------------
          if (0<b && b< 256 && player[C].isPlaying() ) { 
            C = (int)random(10, 16);
          if (!player[C].isPlaying()) {
        image(testLayer, 0, 0);
        image(edges, 0, 0);
      void  getEdgeCoordinates() { 
        X = new int[MAXEDGES];
        Y = new int[MAXEDGES];
        int i = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < testLayer.height; y++) {
          for (int x = 0; x < testLayer.width; x++) {
            if (bs.isEdge(x, y)  && 
              bs.getBlobWeightLabel(bs.getLabel(x, y)) >=  minimumWeight) {
              X[i] = x;
              Y[i] = y;
      void stop() {

It is playing the audio file files but simultaneously gives these errors too......

==== JavaSound Minim Error ====
==== Don't know the ID3 code TSS

==== JavaSound Minim Error ====
==== Error parsing ID3v2: String index out of range: -131


  • Can any one help me ? .... I have gone so far recognizing and detecting color blobs and able to play music. Please help me out .... this is really nagging me :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :((

  • Looks like an error that somebody already had on the first forum :) check the resolutions there:

  • edited October 2013

    Hi mrzl, Thanks for replying but my question was not about the minim error because it is working fine even with those error.

    My question was: - A. Default j=0 gets played after running the application (I don't want this) - B. I do generate random color by hitting random key and draw with that color. Problem is sometimes the drawn blob doesn't get detected. - C.(This is a logic problem) It should play one file at a time but after sometime random number gets activated and generates new numbers and new files gets played. I want that new files only get played when a new stroke gets drawn/ new blob gets detected. (line: 68 -98 ) - D. When I use get() method to detect the centroid color it returns values like this

    image The problem is for exact red, blue & green, get() returns correct value but for any shade of these color, for example blue [I'av marked in the image] , get function returns { r:some value, g: some value, b: 2555 } it should not happen like this. It has to return exact value of blue. Same with the other color shades.

    P.S. I don't know how attach the image in the forum. It was easy and intuitive in old forum.

  • Please help ! this is really nagging me ........
    [-O< [-O< [-O< [-O< [-O< [-O< [-O<

  • edited October 2013


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