Preview window is 100x100

edited September 2015 in Using Processing

code look likes this but window size is still 100x100 default size

void setup() {
  size(640, 480);

what's problem , can you tell me?


  • There is nothing wrong with that code. I don't know why your sketch's window is not being getting set to the requested size. Are you drawing anything in the sketch window?

  • for example same . 100x100 but size set to 423, 587

  • Are you having this problem running the sketch from the Processing IDE?

  • edited September 2015

    I nailed it. The example from come with two folders inside the sketch folder. One with the data, and the second one, "code", which is normally reserved for the .jar of a contributed library. In this case, it contains "core.jar", which are in conflict with your command size(). Get rid of this folder and your problem is solved.

    One suggestion. We should renamed this discussion «Preview window is 100x100» to «Preview window is stuck at 100x100», or something similar. So it will be more useful if someone have a similar question in the future.

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