My webcam video is not flipping!

edited September 2015 in Library Questions

Hello guys!

I have a little colortracking game, which includes a webcam. My only problem now is that the video is not flipping as it should be. I really tried out all the code examples here in this forum but nothing worked! Sometimes it did flip the video correctly but then I wasn't able to track the color anymore... really don't know why.

So, first things first, here is my code:

Capture webcam;

color trackColor;
float trackR;
float trackG;
float trackB;
int topLeftX;
int topLeftY;
int bottomRightX;
int bottomRightY;
int maxColorDifference;

PImage cherryPic;
Cherry[] cherry;
int count = 5;
int speed = 1;
int cherryX = -40;
int cherryY = -40;
int score = 0;
boolean caught;
boolean gameOver;

PImage basketPic;
int basketWidth = 103;
int basketHeight = 82;

//screen states
final int INACTIVE = 0;
final int ACTIVE = 1;
int state = INACTIVE;

void setup()
  size( 640, 480 );
  webcam = new Capture( this, width, height );

  trackColor = color( 255, 128, 64 );
  trackR = red(trackColor); //(trackColor >> 16) & 0xff;
  trackG = green(trackColor); //(trackColor >> 8) & 0xff;
  trackB = blue(trackColor); //trackColor & 0xff;
  maxColorDifference = 40;
  topLeftX = width;
  topLeftY = height;
  bottomRightX = 0;
  bottomRightY = 0;

  cherryPic = loadImage("cherry.png");
  cherry = new Cherry[count];

  for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
    cherry[i]=new Cherry(cherryPic, cherryX, cherryY);

  basketPic = loadImage("basket.png");


void draw()

  if ( webcam.available() ) {;

    image( webcam, 0, 0 );    


    int counter = 0;
    for ( int j = 0; j < webcam.height; j++ ) {
      for ( int i = 0; i < webcam.width; i++ ) {        

        color c = webcam.pixels[counter];
        float r = red(c);
        float g = green(c);
        float b = blue(c);
        float colorDifference = dist( r, g, b, trackR, trackG, trackB );
        if ( colorDifference < maxColorDifference ) {
          if ( i < topLeftX ) {
            topLeftX = i;
          if ( j < topLeftY ) {
            topLeftY = j;
          if ( i > bottomRightX ) {
            bottomRightX = i;
          if ( j > bottomRightY ) {
            bottomRightY = j;


    //show basket
    image(basketPic, topLeftX, topLeftY);

    for (int i = 0; i<count; i++) {

    //start game with click on cherry
    if (state == INACTIVE) {     
      text("Catch It", 240, 100);

      String text = "Click Your Tracking Point To Start";
      text(text, 120, 140);
    //if state == ACTIVE
    else {

      caught = false;
      gameOver = false;

      for (int i=0; i<count; i++ ) {
        if (cherry[i].caught(topLeftX, topLeftY, basketWidth, basketHeight)) {
          caught = true;
          break;    //if one cherry is caugt, end if

        if (cherry[i].posY > height) {
          gameOver = true;

      if (caught) {

      //show score
      text("Score: " + score, 15, 460);

      //increase speed when score > 100
      if (score == 100) {

      println(score + " speed " + speed);

  //increase speed after 15 seconds
  int sec = second();
  if (sec == 40) {
    println(sec + "speed " + speed);

  //"Game Over" Screen at negative points
  if (gameOver) {
    text("GAME OVER", 70, 200);

    text("Your Score: " + score, 200, 270);

    //text("Press ENTER To Start A New Game", 160, 380);

  // reset tracking points
  topLeftX = width;
  topLeftY = height;
  bottomRightX = 0;
  bottomRightY = 0;

void mousePressed()
  if (state == INACTIVE) {

    trackColor = webcam.get( mouseX, mouseY );
    trackR = red(trackColor);
    trackG = green(trackColor);
    trackB = blue(trackColor);

    state = ACTIVE;

    for (int i=0; i<count; i++ ) {

//Enter-Taste bewirkt Neustart nur bei Game Over oder bei gewonnenem Spiel
/*void keyPressed()
 if (gameOver && key==ENTER) {
 state = ACTIVE;
 } */

I worked with this bit of code, which I think should flip the video:

  scale(-1, 1);
  translate(-webcam.width, 0);
  image(webcam, 0, 0); 

But whereever I put it, it doesn't work correctly. It doesn't flip the image, or it does but the tracking function doesn't work anymore! Can you please tell me, where I have to put this code? Or which other code would do the same? Or if I missed something else?

Thank in advance.

  • Jackie
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