text() in P3D throws a warning at every frame

edited May 2016 in Android Mode

In Eclipse, every time text() is called within draw(), the following log of the type warning is displayed :


This log bears the tag:


The text is still displayed, but the warning gets called every frame, making it impossible to see other logs. I have tried to use different types and numbers of arguments for the text() function, but nothing helped. The default renderer version of text() does not throw any warnings.

Do you know how to solve this issue? I am not trying to find a workaround, like filtering out the warning in eclipse in order to see other logs. I would like to know how to eliminate that warning.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



  • @wit221== give some sample from your code i work with eclipse (android genuine) but i can also try to see with P5

  • Hi,

    I am just calling the regular text(num, x, y) function:

    text(score, xpos, ypos);

    Whenever this function is called, I get the warning:

    <process_gl_state_enables:519>: GL_INVALID_ENUM

    I have tried other forms of the function text(). In fact, I have tried all the forms enumerated here:


    that is:

    text(c, x, y)
    text(c, x, y, z)
    text(str, x, y)
    text(chars, start, stop, x, y)
    text(str, x, y, z)
    text(chars, start, stop, x, y, z)
    text(str, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    text(num, x, y)
    text(num, x, y, z)

    With no effect.

    I have tried changing the location of the function, from custom classes to the MainActivity, which extends PApplet. With no effect.

    I have tried changing the arguments of text() from fields of classes inherited from the class from which text() is called to just plain hard-coded values. With no effect.

    I have tried changing the textmode() from MODEL to SHAPE. With no effect.

    I have tried the elimination of the textSize() function before text(). With no effect.

    I have tried switching the renderer from P3D to OPENGL. With no effect.

    I have tried. With no effect.

    Let me reiterate that with the JAVA2D and P2D renderers, no such warnings appear. This would suggest that either OPENGL (which is used in both P3D and - surprise - OPENGL renderers) is faulty or Processing miscommunicates the text() command to OPENGL. Also, no other function, whether it involves OPENGL or not, triggers this warning.

    I would highly appreciate your help.

  • make an mcve where the error still occurs and/or show the entire code



  • edited June 2015

    I just did that though.

    All three of the following conditions are satisfied:

    …Minimal – Use as little code as possible that still produces the same problem - done.

    …Complete – Provide all parts needed to reproduce the problem - done.

    …Verifiable - Test the code you're about to provide to make sure it reproduces the problem - done.

    Within "Verifiable" too:

    Describe the problem - done.

    Eliminate any issues that aren't relevant to the problem - done.

    Ensure that the example actually reproduces the problem! - done.

    I can redo it in a less minimal and compact form, of course:

       public String sketchRenderer() {
                                return OPENGL; 
                     public void setup() {
                     public void draw(){
                        text("hello, I am causing an OPENGL warning for no apparent reason", 200, 200);

    triggers the warning:

    <process_gl_state_enables:519>: GL_INVALID_ENUM>

    The above line within draw() alone causes the warning to appear.

  • it's a hardware / driver thing. your ADRENO ES-20, or the driver, is showing the error. and we won't see it unless we're using the same combination.

  • Answer ✓

    and it's probably not even anything you are doing but a problem in the code generated by processing in response to the text() call.

  • @koogs Yes, that's what I was thinking. The warning thrown is dependent on the hardware/driver used. I was wondering though, if there exists a way to mute such warnings other than filtering them out in Eclipse. Would I have to modify Processing code, if even possible, or directly use OPENGL commands?

  • i was trying to think if there's a way of seeing what code the text() call is using. i guess it would be in the processing source code. really it's a bug with that. maybe raise an issue there?

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