Same problems as everyone else running sketch in emulator - have tried everything...
"An error occurred while running “android create avd”: The default Android emulator could not be set up. Make sure that the Android SDK is installed properly, and that the Android and Google APIs are installed for level 10. (Between you and me, occasionally, this error is a red herring, and your sketch may be launching shortly.)"
The console then says that it "Could not create a virtual device for the emulator".
- I am running Processing 2.0 Beta7 on a Mac running Mac OSX 10.6.8 with full software update (including Java)
- I am logged on as an administrator
- The Processing sketch is a simple colour display test. It uses no libraries and works fine in standard Java mode.
- I have installed Android SDK Tools 21.1 and API levels 17 and 10 (as instructed by the processing wiki)
- I've uninstalled and reinstalled both Processing and Android to make sure I've got the very latest versions
- I've checked to make sure that there are no other versions of Processing or Android on my system
- Android SDK Manager and AVD Manager both open fine from PDE.
- I can also create and launch AVDs from AVD Manager in PDE without problem.
- I have checked the path from PDE to Android is correct within the preferences.txt (as suggested here)
- I have tested the issue with AVDs named ‘Processing-Android-7’, 'Processing-200' and ‘Processing-0207’ as suggested in various posts (here and here)
- I have included the line ‘android.emulator.port=5554’ line into the preferences.txt after checking the number 5554 with that generated by an AVD launched and running from PDE (as suggested here )
- I have tried waiting for each AVD to launch and initialise completely before trying to run the sketch (suggested here and here)
- I have tried using the 'reset connections' option but without any apparent result other than console message: "Shutting down any existing adb server"
- I've even tried i.papanis'suggestion of running Eclipse in the background and izumitelj's suggestion of temporarily deleting executables related to 64-bit system