Processing Forum

I have made a set of classes that facilitates texture mapping (quadwarp, bezierwarp, keystone, etc.) on straight or curved projection surfaces. I have also a class (ClusterBezierWarp) that is intended for texture mapping in a cluster projection set-up (edge blending, etc.).

The library is named mappingtools and is available here:


Hope you find the tool usefull.

Patrick Saint-Denis


Good job guys!
Is there a way to programmatically move anchor instead of mouse manipulation?

Thanks and congrats :P

it's only mouse manipulated for now, but your idea makes completely sense i'll add a method for this in the coming days.

Is it possible to create multiple offscreen keystones, and if yes how? Can you give us an example?

yeah you can create multiple keystones but the way I did the controls they get stack on top one another... merde...

I'm working on an update where this will be fixed. I expect this somewhere in the coming month.


Just added 2 new methods in every class

.showControls: to show or hide the control points


.controlSprites: usefull if you want to move quads "programmactically" or have multiple quads jumping around

I also added a few examples (QuadWarp, BezierWarp) with multiple quads jumping around using perlin noise. This said, I'm still having problems with the saving presets functionnalities with multiple quads so you will have to find a way to store your presets on your own for the moment.


I would recommend making the .loadPresets method public in each class, so that users can load pre-saved anchor points automatically when the program begins.

For example, I am using this to do some simple skew compensation for a local student theater play, and would love to create a simple JAR file for them that they can run, which will automatically display a warped image when they run it, based on prior configuration. This way, each day that the show runs, the stagehand can just open the JAR file and walk away, or restart it easily if something horrible happens during the show :)

ok sounds good i'll do that. Meanwhile you can use the .controlSprites method that does around the same thing.


.loadPresets .savePresets and .defaults are now public methods in every class. Nicer this way, we don't necessarily have to go trough a keyboard use to call them.

thanks for that


Verrry nice, thanks! 

Another suggestion: you might want to add some error checking into the loadPresets method to make sure that the presets.txt file exists before trying to open it. 

For my project, I am exporting the sketch as an application to make it easier for my client to run, but the presets.txt file does not carry over. So if you set presets in the Processing sketch, then open the application file and try to load those presets, the program locks up and crashes. I've gotten into the habit of always setting the control points on the fly, but if someone were to use those public .loadPresets methods to automatically load the presets, the program may 'mysteriously' crash without any user input.
Hi zen,

Sounds nice to me. I'll problably do it somewhere next week.

