I tried the Myron lib and it's great - no need for the VDIG and easy tracking functions.
The only thing is I can play with the size of the video object -
a 1.3 MG webcam can go up to 640*480, My DV cam goes only 720X576, while in other video libs I can go as much as I choose (or even without the need of an extrnal lib)
If any body has some experince with it I'll be happy to hear of a good video tracking lib without that annoying limitation I have in Myron.
I'm new to processing, and I've dowlonaded some nice libraries and treid to look at their examples.
Problem is , when the sample code is ind PDE format , I can run it with out any problems, but when the examples are in JAVA format, for some reason I cannot run them. I add the JAVA file I want to run using
sketch-add file (that the only way I found to get the JAVA file into my sketch) by for some reason they don't run - either I get a 200X200 gray window with nothing more, or I get some kind of IOException.
(For example - the last one I tried is the blobDetection libraries, where all the samples are JAVA files, and I couldn't run any of them).