Hey guys...I met a very annoying problem while I am trying to put a program integrated Processing on a tomcat server...I checked many solutions about this. Most of them is saying that the applet on the server side is so-called heavy weight component...But I can't shift them into client side cause I just want processing to make a picture and then send this to the client.
So I think I didn't call the applet display or some interactive operations..I don't know why I have this problem "using java.awt library in linux X11 display problem"..So if I change the tomcat setting as most of people said "-DJava.awt.headless=true", it will get into another error..Both errors show that there is a problem in Papplet.java 244 lines in the source code of processing:
static public final int MENU_SHORTCUT = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask();
Can somebody help me , I got stuck here like ages.......
Hey guys I met a problem while I was woking with Processing...
So I imported the required library locally and it's wokring fine...
But when I just put this in the maven dependency..The program will always got stuck at:
wordcram.init(); //wordcram is the object of processing.
And it's not giving me an error, the program is just stucking there not moving then....I am wokring on a java project in eclipse..Can anybody help me??
I am working on with Processing in
eclipse. So it's not like the sketchbook that I can save the picture directly.
So for my code I just write:
public class Test extends PApplet {
public void setup() {
this.save("/home/yu/workspace/ppooc1"); /
/ Here it's just defult saving as .tif format. I don't know how to set to changeit into anohter format, can somebody help me ??
color c = color(255, 204, 0); // there is an error.
So we can see the code above, there is always the error showing that the color can't be resolved...I imported the newest processing.jar...I don't know why....Any clue?
Hey, I met a problem while I want to run the applet of prcessing thing in my normal java application.
So here is the definition of my processing part:
import processing.core.*;
import wordcram.*;
public class CasWordCram extends PApplet {
WordCram words = new WordCram(this);
public void setup() {
this.size(500, 400);
//So the thing above is running perfectly and I can get the applet window which is fine.(ONLY RUN IT AS A JAVA APPLET INDEPENDENTLY).
public void finishProcessing() {
CasWordCram wordcram = new CasWordCram();
//So this function above is defined in a normal java application. It's under one class. And I built the wordcram class from the defined class above.
But after compiling it as
JAVA APPLICATION. it shows this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at processing.core.PApplet.size(Unknown Source) at processing.core.PApplet.size(Unknown Source) at de.fhg.iais.kd.tm.quote.casAnnotation.CasWordCram.setup(CasWordCram.java:21)
Can somebody help me with this? I got stuck by this for hours......Thank you for your patient reading~~
So I am a fresh man using Processing. I am now playing with Processing on eclipse and I import the library of Processing and 'WordCram' (Another library writing for Processing). And it's working fine, I can get the jave applet window and I can see the resul that t I want like the picture below shows. I am just wondering how I can get to save the picture of this applet window? In simple words, I want to save the results (the pictures of the words). How can I implement it in eclipse?