hey everyone. I'm a beginner with processing and if got an simple question with/about controlP5.
what i want to acchive with controlP5:
1 button should toggle an image on / off
if the image is now displayed at the sketch
the user can use a slider next to the button,
which scrolls through a bunch of images.
hello everyone. I'm a beginner at processing, so I'm pretty sure my question can be answered pretty quickly :)
so, i trying to figure out this task:
in my program there should be a box or area ( let's take for example a rect 500 x 500 px) and my control-field on the left side of the program via controlP5.
if i press the button "save", there should be 1 pdf generated, with all the information from / inside of this 500 x500 px box, without the control filed.