Id like to have a projector setup inside a tent/marquee and probably point it into the corner. I was thinking a simple form of projection mapping can be used to align the output correctly so the image isnt distorted, but wraps itself into the corner of the tent
I might be using some P5 sketches, but the main output I wanted to project was from Milkdrop, so this runs in its own window
Firstly, what is the best way (and fastest, preferably as close to 60fps as possible) way to grab this video? The only way i've found so far is to use webcam software to grab the region, and the P5s Video library to use it as input for projection mapping, but this is quite alot slower than desired
Can P5 not grab another windows video itself?
Also, the actual projection mapping, ive found some test sketches but im not sure they work as i need, i need to have 6 points, the top and bottom of the far left and right, and the top and bottom of the center seem (corner of tent)
Is it preferable to do this with Processing? Or is there a much more suited application that can use a windows output and do the mapping itself (something like VVVV but not so full on)
Im rendering the texures fine (ie using parent.image renders them properly over one another preservign transparency)
I need to use GLObject textures though, to layer everything up based on what it is and render them all nice and fast
Ive added noBlend() to the various things (even though the code below doesnt show that) and it doesnt make any difference, the results is shown on the right
Id only need blending for bloomed layers etc, but it seems to be doing some kind of blending all the time
The shots layer is cleared with clear(0f,0f,0f,0f) if filled red the background is visible but everything is tinted red
Im using GLGraphics for a shmup to make use of the faster drawing capabilities and shaders etc
I seem to have found a problem though, i've made a small test sketch again, and im renderering each bullets GLTexture to a GLGraphicsOffScreen (everything will be rendererd to a suitable offscreen/gltexture for effects to be applied and then blended together into the final image)
The problem is, even though ive set the w/h of the buffer to that of the sketch (350,550) it always seems to get rendererd at half the sketch size, obviously you can multiply the dimensions at the time of drawing the final image but the result then looks fairly gash (with ship sprites anyway) and having smoothing on will slow everything down quite alot
If anyones got any ideas thatd be really appreciated
Also on side notes:
* Any ideas how to preserve the transparency of a gltexture/offscreen when using for example the Bloom filter?
* How do you properly remove elements from an arraylist (instead of the remove.indexOf) i forgot where i found the answer, something to do with iteraters (see destroy() in patternemitter) ^^^ fixed this now, might not be very efficient mind:
I'm coding a game strongly based around audio data of users mp3s.
I'm looking to dump the results of the FFT along with the metadata of the mp3 to a text file and usign this for the level data and probably uploading them to a server for consistency for online hiscores.
I'm hoping you might be able to give some advice as to how to do this QUICKER than the actual playback speed.
Audiosurf is a great example of this, once you've picked your song it generates the level by analysing the audio but the player doesn't have to wait for the whole song to finish, it scans it relatively quickly.
I've had a look over the latest audio library updates and I think I'll be using Minim again for this but I've got no idea how to do it quicker than the playback speed.
Maybe using a larger int for 'timesize' and skipping through the audio file? (also the player should obviously not 'hear' this going on)
Hope you guys might have some advice and pointers on this
I'm trying to remove enemies from an array list when they pass off the screen by using the objects.index value, removing that from the arrayList, then looping through copying al the neccesary ones back into an Array (to modify their index values appropriately) and then back into the arrayList but im having some problems
The speed seems to increase and while it does seem to work (keeping the arraylist size down) im not sure, any help would be great thanks!
How would you go about doing this? i need the rotation to affect the direction the speeds (forces) are applied similar to asteroids, any help would be great thanks!