I'm pretty new to processing but I can't seem to get enough of it! Anyway, I'm stuck on something I feel should have a solution...
I'm using OscP5 in my program and want to have several variables coming in simultaneously; however, I also want to avoid having to rewrite the entire oscEvent function over and over again for a different variable. What I'm wondering is how to dynamically create an Osc function that accepts arguments so I can just write, for instance:
myOscEvent(someString, someChar, printMe?);
such that:
float oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) {
if (theOscMessage.checkAddrPattern(someString)==true) {
I also suppose I don't understand how to pass arguments to oscEvent if (oscMessage theOscMessage) are there... And how do I pass strings as arguments in the first place?? Thanks for letting me be a noob...