Processing Forum
weidenstein's Profile
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    I know this has been discussed before (in the "old forum", for example), but I find that previous discussion a bit confusing. For example this:
    We currently only support Java 1.4 (and earlier) syntax. You cannot currently use 1.5 syntax in the Processing Development Environment. This means no generics, templates, enum, varargs, foreach, and the rest. If you want to use Java 1.5 (or later), take core.jar and develop your project with another Java IDE

    Contrary to what's said above, i have found the generics working ok, and "for (Creature creature : creatures) {" sees to work as well, no problem, and I'm really happy for that. But enums really don't seem to work. So is this really a simple Java 1.4 - 1.5 - 1.6 issue? Or is it something else, "selective support" for some new Java features ...

    I must say I don't find much use for varargs, but I really really would like to use enums to make my code (much) more robust.Therefore, once again, please, can anyone shed light on this matter? Current situation and future plans?

    PS. Processing is one of the finest things I've come a across lately. Big thanks to the creators!

    I am using Processing's PDF capability to produce a large, well, a huge image. Processing with PDF seems to be a fantastic combination.
    The Processing code for setup() and draw() is generated by a Java program. All has gone well so far, but now when the generated code grew to 277,963 chars, I get this error message (and my project is ruined).  Anyone has an idea what to? Dear creators of Processing, couldn't you extend that limit in future versions?
    I would like to draw smooth circles, ellipses etc. Tried some examples with shapes, then saved them, and printed, They look terrible. Tried even with smooth(). How can I can produce nice vector graphics with Processingf, or is this a mission impossible?