A moment ago I posted this topic, and even though this question is kind of related, I think this needs its own thread.
This is a simple question with probably an equally simple solution.
I've been trying to post-process my GSVideos, to minimize dropped frames, by using loadPixels(); to place objects containing those pixels into an ArrayList, and then in the end using a for loop to add them one by one to the movie maker object... like this:
ArrayList movie_images = new ArrayList();
GSMovieMaker mm;
void setup() {
mm = new GSMovieMaker(this, width, height, "drawing.ogg", GSMovieMaker.THEORA,
This does build and run, the only problem is that the movie I get seems to only be the last frame recorded.
So I might be going about this entirely wrong, anyone got any ideas?
I've encountered that when using GSVideo 1.0.0 with the Theora codec to create videos with resolutions above 800x600 that, even though it mentions no dropped frames at all, it seems to "cut off" the ending of my videos. I've made a lot of videos, and here are the results:
So yea, the first numbers are the amount of time I recorded with GSVideo, the subsequent times are the length of the video after the sketch finished in their respective resolutions.
And of course, the red numbers are the average percentage lost in each resolution, with a whopping almost 40% shorter videos in the resolution of 1000x800.
All of these are made with the DrawingMovie example, and I've set the queue sizes to have no limit.
I've seen that when using the MJPG2K codec to create .avi videos they don't lose any length, but are really bad quality, and I have to re-convert them to .avi to make them compatible with other software :(
If anyone have any advice on how to make good quality .avi videos with GSVideo (or maybe another library?), I could use all the help I can get.
Hey. When using minim to analyze an audio input from the mic, I get the same input as an output automatically, which is creating a feedback, which I want, however cool it might sound, to get rid off.
I'm thinking it might be a bug, but since it's my first sketch with sound analysis, it might be something I'm doing wrong.
basically this is how I'm doing it:
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
Minim minim;
AudioInput lineIn;
FFT fft;
void setup() {
//size and stuff here...
minim = new Minim(this);
lineIn = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 2048);
fft = new FFT(lineIn.bufferSize(), lineIn.sampleRate());
//setting up my other stuff here (isn't related to the minim, other than for transformations
//and stuff)
void draw() {
//background and stuff here...
scaleSize = map(fft.getBand(0), 0, 13, 0, 20); //arbitrary use of FFT
void stop() {
lineIn.close(); minim.stop();
super.stop(); }
Do I need to do something with an AudioOutput object?
I'm using Processing 1.5.1 on a Windows 64 bit machine right now, with Minim 2.1.0 BETA.
PS: I found another thread about this, but the poor guy wasn't given an answer..