For this code to work, please add a random 1000x600 image named 1.jpg in your /data folder. For convenience:
I'm trying to get my image to update the amount of pixels that are actually displayed depending on the value of detail. The higher the value, the less chance of a pixel being shown, hence less detail. Unfortunately this does not seem to work despite me clicking (notice mousePressed increases the value of detail).
I tried placing my imgPix.loadPixels(); and imgPix.updatePixels(); everywhere and I still can't figure the thing out.
Any help much appreciated!
In my "afficher()" function, I'm trying to add a delay between the displaying of each curve (courbe). I can't seem to figure it out. I've tried millis() all day long with timestamps and whatnot, it just won't work. Basically, I want each of them to appear after the other instead of all of them at the same time when I call Explosion()'s afficher()