Processing Forum
I'm playing around with Processing trying to create some interesting typographic forms. I used initially a library called Geomerative and assigned some svg files to points of my font to make it more interesting.
My idea now is to use the Minim library and make it so that the louder someone talks the bigger the svg files will become and thus the typography will be dynamic and changing. I know how to change the size depending on mouse movement but can't figure it out with the audio.
Currently all that is happening is the svg files rotating quicker if i speak louder but no size change.
My code so far is this:
RGroup grp; grp = font.toGroup(myText); grp = grp.toPolygonGroup(); RPoint[] myPoints = grp.getPoints(); fill(181, 157, 0, 200); float diameter = 20; for (int i=0; i<myPoints.length-1; i++) { if (i%1 == 0) { pushMatrix(); float angle = 50; translate(myPoints[i].x, myPoints[i].y); rotate(angle); shape(module1, 0, 0, diameter + soundLevel, diameter + soundLevel ); popMatrix(); } } fill(181, 157, 0, 200); diameter = 20; for (int i=0; i<myPoints.length-1; i++) { if (i%1 == 0) { pushMatrix(); float angle = 150; translate(myPoints[i].x, myPoints[i].y); rotate(angle); shape(module2, 0, 0, diameter + soundLevel, diameter + soundLevel ); popMatrix(); } } } }