First off, a big hello to everyone! (as this is my first post)
I am trying to teach myself Processing and OOP in general. I programmed a few things years ago in Assembly and a few other languages, Processing seems to be a neat implementation so I am easing into it. I ran across a program called Glitch Sequencer by Bret Truchan. In addition to making the program free he also makes the code available (which is awesome Bret!). His code, the reference here and purchasing the "Learning Processing" has made this learning process pretty simple so far.
The small snippet below is from his code (I apologize in advance is this is a violation of some sort).
void send_pending_note_offs()
Note note;
for(int index = this.open_notes.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--)
In the above code I do not understand what is happening in the highlighted section. My guess is that "note = (Note)" is equivalent to "note = new Note()". If this is the case then I guess it's a matter of personal style/preference coding and I get what's happening. But that would also lead to me to ask, when is one syntax preferable over the other? Or, is there a difference in the impact of each on the program?
Thanks in advance for any knowledge you can share.