Hello all , I am new to processing so could you help me figure this out, how to go about making it, even if is possible.
I want to import a video and get specific pixel data such as color, brightness, and then use the location of the color or data to make a sketch that draws very small lines or ellipses etc that are then overlaid on top of the specific pixels of the video.
so the video of example -> the sky would have all the blue of the sky overlaied with very small red ellipses but nevertheless you can see the white clouds of the video moving through because I haven't affected the white in the video
I am trying to make the Flob_collide example work for the specific ballcount array I made, but I don't know how to do it.
you will need the Flob library...
here is the sketch , any help would be greatly appreciated, basically I am trying to make the array of rectangles to bounce off , the detection of the blob detection (much like the flob collide example but with the rect array)
import processing.opengl.*;
import processing.video.*;
import s373.flob.*;
Capture video;
Flob flob;
int videores=128;
int fps = 60;
Bola bolas[];
boolean showcamera=true;
boolean om=true,omset=false;
float velmult = 10000.0f;
int vtex=0;
int ballCount=1400;
int ballSize =8;
int ballSpeed=3;
int cokl=350;
float[]xspeed= new float[ballCount];
float[]yspeed= new float[ballCount];
float[]xpos= new float [ballCount];
float[]ypos= new float[ballCount];
float[]wdth= new float[ballCount];
float[]ht= new float[ballCount];
float[]col= new float[cokl];
void setup(){
try {
catch (quicktime.QTException qte) {
String[] devices = Capture.list();
video = new Capture(this, videores, videores, devices[6], fps);