I am trying to export from an extrusion sketch to a vector and/or high-res file. Seemingly easy, right. Well after I export to .pdf / .dxf / .tif they all come up totally black, empty (0 KB), and/or I am not able to open the .dxf in CS5 Illustrator. I used to work at an architecture firm and I could open their AutoCAD files fine for whatever reason. Just previewing them now, all these files look totally black. What is going on? Please help—I just need a vector file! Here is what I have:
import processing.dxf.*;
boolean record;
PImage extrude;
int[][] values;
float angle = 0;
void setup() {
size(1688, 953, P3D);
// Load the image into a new array
extrude = loadImage("Echograms38.jpg");
values = new int[extrude.width][extrude.height];
for (int y = 0; y < extrude.height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < extrude.width; x++) {
color pixel = extrude.get(x, y);
values[x][y] = int(brightness(pixel));
void keyPressed() {
// use a key press so that it doesn't make a million files