Pleasehelpme,I have a smallHTTP serverwritten injavaeclipsethat Iintegrate intoprocessing (I importedthe library ofsmallHTTP andI put itin the libraryprocessing), Iexecutedprocessingthenthehttp serverstartsandI runa web page(client) orI will writeamessage, itwill bedisplayed on theconsole,but Iwantmy interfaceretrieved fromtheprocessingthat I'mthe poster(typographyof text), so Iactually calledthe class thatdisplays the messagein myconsole (it is a classlibraryaddprocessing)and Icall'dagetteurprocessingof this class inthedraw ()-> (t =maclasse.getmessageSting), andperformsprocessingwhentheserverstartsbutthisis an exception(nullpointer...)that meansthe messageretrieved andnullbut it is alwaysnull,I do not understand!!whynot retrievethe messageand yet it isdisplayed in theconsoleprocessingfor helpplease