I just get a bunch of messages about missing java files
I read this online
Most problems on Linux come from the version of Java that's included in the download being incompatible with the OS. In that case, remove (or rename) the included ‘java’ folder, and replace it with a usable version of the JDK (not just the JRE!), or symlink it to a full JDK that's installed on your machine. Be sure that the symlink is set up relative to the ‘processing’ shell script such that ./java/bin/java points to the ‘java’ binary. Take a look at the folder structure of the included ‘java’ folder to see how it works.
I've been playing with sym linking to Other downloaded javas with no joy
// first what I do is get the java folder inside processing folder and rename it
Im brand new to processing, but Ive hacked around a few other scripting languages before so things seem really nice at processing.
what I am trying to do, is make a generative logo for my company (www.bigman3d.com)
I want to define generative colour artwork 100x100, then mask that with one of the triangle shapes
then repeat for each shape, building up the design piece by piece.
problem is, using either the mask() or blend() the code works in the processing app, but not online
Here is the processing for HTML that doesnt mask
Ive found that by linking to a locally stored processing-1.3.0.js found on this page I just get a blank screen
If anyone could shine any light on this It would be massively appreciated, I have exactly the same problem with the .mask() function working in the processing app but not in the .js version