I'm trying to make a simple app that listens for an OSC "heartbeat" from a mobile device, and notifies the user of the heartbeat stops. I had it working so that the message sending would turn the canvas black, and losing the message for 11 seconds would turn the screen red.
Out of nowhere, I've stopped seeing the incoming OSC - this is confusing, as it was working two hours ago?
EDIT: The same code is now having a hard time exporting as an applet - I usually run my sketches right from the IDE, as they're almost all goofy little utilities. I've never exported an app before. I'm running a Macbook Pro late 2011 10.8, and the machine that the app will live on is a MacPro Tower, which is also running 10.8, but will not have processing installed.
import netP5.*;
import oscP5.*;
//import controlP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;
NetAddress mySoundcaller;
void setup() {
size(200, 200);
//cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 1234);
mySoundcaller = new NetAddress("", 1234);
int timer = 0;
OscMessage helloPhone = new OscMessage ("/hellophone");