Processing Paris is a series of workshops for artists and designers who wish to learn, develop and share their creative coding skills. Organised by the Free Art Bureau in collaboration with le Campus de la Fonderie de l’Image, Processing Paris is now in it’s fourth year and going strong. Each year we invite the best professionals and teachers in the field to lead our workshops, catering for beginners to the most experienced.
Workshops 2013
Three workshops have been organised for three different skill levels. You may choose one workshop for the three days. During the three days, you will work on specific programming skills as well as on various creative applications, all the while leaving you the possibility to develop your own creative ideas. We strive hard to make these workshops of the best quality possible, each with it’s own special topic of learning and creative possibilites.
Teachers & Program
Initiation : Jean Michel Géridan
Intermédiaire : Andreas Gysin
Masterclass : Julien Gachadoat
How to Sign Up ?
To sign up and reserve your place or get further information please click on one of the links below. Due to limited places it is necessary to reserve before the event. The latest date for reserving is 23rd April 2013. Please also note that only the Masterclass is taught in English. The initiation & intermédiaire are both taught in French.
Practical Information
Where ?
Le Campus de la Fonderie de L’image
81-83 Avenue Gallieni
93170 Bagnolet Paris
Métro : Gallieni Ligne 3
Dates : 26/27/28 April 2013
Initiation : 85 Euros
Intermédiaire : 130 Euros
Masterclass : 160 Euros
Workshops begin each day at 10:00 am and finish at 6:00 pm. Each participant must come with their own laptop computer with Processing already installed. An excellent level of English is required to follow the Masterclass. The beginners and intermediate workshops are taught in French. You can only register for one workshop.
Musée d’Art Contemporain de Bordeaux.
On Algorithmics and Aesthetics
Regarding the Beginnings of Computer Art
Mardi 26 mars 19H - 22h
Tuesday 26th March 7pm - 10pm
En anglais avec traduction
In English with French translation.
When we talk about art, aesthetics is not far. When we talk about computer programs, algorithmics cannot be avoided. When we talk about generative art, early computer art is just around the corner since the term “generative art" is from 1965. When we talk about digital media, we enter postmodern times, and the fixed and finished object vaporizes into processes. We discover the algorithmic sign with its surface and subface, visible and computable, a dialectics of algorithmics and aesthetics, the aesthetics of unfinish. And all that started to appear with the first exhibitions of computer art in 1965. The works then were rather primitive in comparison to what is possible today. But the principles of computational creation have not changed. - The presentation will take up this exciting effort and time. It was the time also, remember!, of 1968: revolutionary times.
Pour la toute première fois en France, nous avons l’honneur et l’immense plaisir d’inviter Frieder Nake qui donnera une conférence sur l’art algorithmique. Pionnier de l’art génératif des années 60, Frieder Nake présentera l’histoire riche mais peu connue de l’arrivée de l’ordinateur dans la pratique artistique. Une histoire qui marque sans conteste un tournant dans nos futurs vies numériques. Aujourd’hui cette histoire se montre d'autant plus pertinente que les nouveaux médias et le champ numérique occupent un terrain de plus en plus vaste.
Cette conférence inédite et rare sera suivie par deux jours d’ateliers avec Frieder Nake et Mark Webster dans lesquels les participants travailleront sur la retranscription d’œuvres des années 60 et 70 à l’aide de Processing. Ce sera l’occasion d’apprendre avec un pionnier du domaine, en appliquant des techniques d’hier avec des technologies d’aujourd’hui.
For the very first time in France we have the honor and immense pleasure of inviting Frieder Nake to give a lecture on algorithmic art. A pioneering artist of the early sixties, Frieder Nake will talk about a rich yet little known history of the computer's arrival in artistic practices. Without doubt a defining moment which had important ramifications for the digital futures that followed and today is proving more pertinent than ever as a means for understanding new media art and the ever expansive digital landscape.
This rare and unique lecture will be followed by two days of workshops in which Frieder Nake and Mark Webster will lead a small group of participants. During these workshops, participants will recode works from the sixties and seventies using the programming language Processing. A fantastic opportunity to learn from a pioneering master and apply past techniques with present technology.
Frieder Nake
Frieder Nake a étudié les mathématiques et crée ses premiers œuvres d’art algorithmique en 1963. Après avoir terminé sa thèse post-diplôme en théorie de probabilité, il enseigne au Department of Computer Science à l’Université de Toronto et à British Columbia, Vancouver au Canada.
Membre actif du collectif The Algorists et participant au mouvement [New] Tendencies à Zagreb, en Croatie au début des années soixante, son travail artistique a été exposé partout en Europe et ailleurs. Aujourd’hui, il habite et travaille en Allemagne où il partage son temps précieux entre l’enseignement à Hochschule Für Künste Bremen et la documentation d’un archive grandissant en ligne (compArt) qui est dédié à l’art informatique.
Frieder Nake studied mathematics and created his first computer graphics in 1963. After finishing his PHD in probabiltiy theory, he went on to teach at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto and of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Active member of the art collective, The Algorists, and a participant of the [New] Tendencies movement in Zagreb, Croatia, in the late sixties, his artistic work has been exhibited all over Europe and beyond. He currently lives and works in Germany where he shares his precious time between teaching at the Hochschule Für Künste Bremen and maintaining a growing compArt online archive dedicated to computer art.
En anglais avec traduction
In English with French translation.
Mardi 26 mars
19H – 22h
Gratuit sur inscription
150 places
Cette conférence est une intitiative de la Free Art Bureau en partenariat avec Rqbk, la Mairie de Bordeaux et le CAPC dans le cadre des rencontres mensuelles Processing Bordeaux.
This lecture is a Free Art Bureau initiative in partnership with Rqbk, Bordeaux Town Hall and CAPCas part of the monthly Processing Bordeaux sessions.
3 DAYS : 3 WORKSHOPS13/14/15 April at La Fonderie de L'image
Processing Paris is a series of workshops for artists and designers who wish to learn, develop and share their creative coding skills. Each year we invite some the best professionals and teachers in the field to lead our workshops, catering for beginners to the most experienced.
We have decided to extend our workshops this year with an extra day giving you more time to create. During the three days, you will work on specific programming skills as well as on various creative applications, all the while leaving you the possibility to develop your own creative ideas. The full program for each workshop is available on the web site :
The Teachers
Beginners Workshop : Andreas Gysin
How to Sign Up ?
To sign up and reserve your place or get further information please send us an email with your full name, address and a contact number to :
Due to limited places it is necessary to reserve before the event. The latest date for reserving is 5th April 2012.
Practical Information
Where :
La Fonderie de L’image
81-83 Avenue Gallieni
93170 Bagnolet
Métro : Gallieni Ligne 3
Dates : 13/14/15 April 2012
Prices :
Beginners Workshop : 80 EurosWorkshops begin each day at 10:00 am and finish at 6:00 pm
Each participant must come with their own laptop computer with Processing already installed. An excellent level of English is required to follow the Masterclass. The beginners and intermediate classes are taught in French.
Mark WebsterPROCESSING PARIS 22/23 April 2011
After a highly successful first edition in 2010 we are proud to announce the second installment of Processing Paris – a series of workshops for creative people working with Processing. Three Processing workshops have been organised :
- A beginners workshop with Christian Delecluse.
- An intermediate workshop with Julien Gachadoat.
- A masterclass with Hartmut Bohnacker. **
Date : 22/23 April 2011
Price : 60, 75 & 90 Euros respectively.
Where :
La Fonderie de l’Image
83 Avenue Gallieni
93170 Bagnolet
How :
For further information and to register, please send us an email stating your full name, address, phone number and which workshop you would like to attend
Please note that due to limited places it is imperative to register beforehand to ensure a place. The deadline for registering is April 10.
looking forward to meeting you at the next Processing Paris
Mark Webster
Processing Paris
PROCESSING PARIS 22/23 Avril 2011
Après un très bon succès pour la première édition de Processing Paris l'année dernière – une série de workshops pour créatifs travaillant avec Processing. Trois nouveaux workshops de Processing ont étés organisés pour les 22 & 23 avril 2011 :
- Initiation avec Christian Delecluse.
- Intérmédiaire avec Julien Gachadoat.
- Masterclass avec Hartmut Bohnacker. **
Date : 22/23 Avril 2011
Prix : 60, 75 & 90 Euros respectivement.
Lieu :
La Fonderie de l’Image
83 Avenue Gallieni
93170 Bagnolet
Les ateliers commencent à 10h et terminent à 18h chaque jour. Vous n'avez pas besoin de matériel informatique mais vous pouvez venir avec votre propre ordinateur portable. Pour le Master Class, un très bon niveau d’anglais est exigé.
Pour plus d’informations sur cet événement et pour s’inscrire, envoyez-nous un email indiquant votre nom, adresse, un numéro de téléphone et le choix de votre workshop :
Il est impéritif de vous vous inscrire avant l’événement - les places sont limitées. La date de limite pour les inscriptions sera le 10 avril 2010.
The workshops run from10:00 to 18:00. No need for a computer although you are welcome to bring your own. For the advanced class, you will require a very good level of English. Both the beginners and intermediate class will be taught in French. Full information of the workshops' content will be communicated very soon.
Processing Paris is an initiative organised by FAB, in collaboration with La Fonderie de L'Image & CEFAG Formations.
FAB is a non-profit organisation set up for artists & designers using code as their main creative tool and medium. We organise workshops, conferences, forums, exhibitions as well as support & document work specifically created with code. We believe in sharing, educating, innovating and promoting. We believe that being free is an essential way of life and work.