I've been pulling out my hair all day trying to understand why the pixels[] array for a PImage was not being updated correctly.
It seems that the PImage pixels[] array is updated correctly when my sketch is 2D, but not 3D (not P3D nor OPENGL; both renders fail).
What I'm trying to do is to divide each frame of a movie into a grid of squares, and then arbitrarily move the squares in a 3D space.
When my sketch is 3D, it seems like only the lower right corner of the movie frame is replicated on all of the squares in the grid. But if the sketch is 2D, then each square is a corresponding portion of the movie frame, as expected, and the entire movie frame is reproduced in the grid of squares.
I've tried this on 2.0b5 and 2.0b7 (Note that PeasyCam will make the sketch crash in 2.0b7 if you move the mouse). I'm running Processing on a Mac, 10.7.5
I'm a newbie and have been very grateful for the Shape3D library. Thanks!
I'm at the point where I'd like to create my own shapes, specifically an extruded polygon. I'd also need to be able to set different textures on each face.
Is there already a way to create this with Shape3D? A modified Tube?