We have a big problem. When we are running our processing code, we get a bluescreen. This happens all the time. So far, we have tested 3 computers, with same results, so I might think it is the code.
We are using a Logitech Gamepad F310 controller as an input device for processing, and a radio module from dfrobot to send it wirelessly out to an radio controlled car.
The code is here:
Is there any ideas? We have to find a fix, and hopefully before tomorrow.
I am controlling a radio controlled car with arduino and processing. I am using an Logitech Dual action controller as an input device, and that device has an x/y values. I want to send one key with port.write when the x is 0 and another one when it is on max. No pwm controll on the car.
How can I do this? I am using procontroll library in processing. Right now I am sending data trough a cable, since my radio module died..
My code so far:
import processing.serial.*; import procontroll.*;
ControllIO controllIO; ControllDevice joypad;
Serial port; String portname = "COM3"; int baudrate = 19200;
void setup() { port = new Serial(this, portname, baudrate); controllIO = ControllIO.getInstance(this);
I got an gamepad wich have two pairs of X/Y (analog levers) and one Z. I want to use X and Z to controll the arduino on the rc car, but how can I use X and Z in processing? I have never used those in coding before, so I need help.
I am making some software for my project. I got an RC car witch is controlled by an arduino, and I need some software to controll it, and a tip I got from a friend was processing. But, I have no idea how to make this code. So I ask for help.
What I need is;
When a button is pressed on the keyboard, example "w" one function starts. But when I release the button, a another function starts. In the arduino code I got one function for forward and one for stop forward. So when I press the button, the forward function starts, and when I release the button, the stop forward starts. Hope you understand.