So, this is a Maven2 project that builds a self-contained JAR with whatever libs you specify in the pom.xml, but has been specifically built for Processing 1.5 + GLGraphics 20110411 and GNU Kawa
I don't know Scheme and have been wanting to learn Clojure, Scala, etc, but came across Kawa and had some time to play with it last night. I haven't explored very much with it, and the above sketch is rather arbitrary and thrown together. I am looking into how it handles reflection and what could be done to assist live coding, as well as what sort of Lisp like structures can be derived.
I looked at Clojure based sketches, and it seems like this Kawa makes things more "clean" if there is such a thing, but was wanting the opinion of others on the topic, or if anyone knows more or has used Kawa at all.
The performance (well, mostly because of the new GLGraphics) is really great. Compiling to .class files works great as well.
Hi there I wanted to let you guys know of some code I posted on Github. This uses maven to generate a blank OpenGL fullscreen listener on multiple machines, all hooked up to a message queue. Then, you submit Jython sniplets of code and each machine instantly starts performing those actions:
This is a little different than as the interpreter is within the Java and not the other way around. Additionally, the draw function is replaced with "drawlist" ... a list of functions that will be executed on each frame (or you can just put one function in there, and have that function do whatever you like.)
Hopefully you may find this fun to play with on a rainy day, seeing multiple machines all coordinated around simple, functional style Jython code while still using the vast Processing library. Hopefully will be compatible with future versions. Although, you do have to reference any JARs either in the Maven POM file, or at runtime as an additional classpath setting to java -jar ... let me know what you think!