If anyone is interested it needs the final tree converted to a byte array then saved to disk.
The saved file will be compared to a zipped file for size.
Its not intended to be the best compressor but more of a variant storage system for vision recognition.
The code is an experiment based off temporal memory algorithms.
After moving to a new pc and using java 7 the opengl apps are not working in the emulator, phone device and exported applets. They do work in a little window that pops up when run from processing as an applet.
Does anyone have an idea if it is a system config problem such as a path or related to J7?
Is there a way to absolutely position 3D objects?
Does it require working with Translation?
In a 3x3x3 cube of possible 1x1x1 cubes:
Would place to cubes next to each other on one axis.
(solution below)
Is Push or Pop Matrix involved in resetting the coordinates to origin which are considered by the Translation function?
Does one need to create variables to compensate for the Translation?