I'm loading a 3ds object using MRI3DS and am trying to load controls to rotate the object and scale it using controlP5 but for some reason all of my controls are hidden behind the MRI3DS scene. I've tried to load the controls using ControlP5displayOnTop3D example and can bring them to the front and show up but they are blurry and i cannot interact with them.
Hi I was wondering if its possible to use multiple cameras say 4 to show 4 sides of a 3d object on a scene by this i mean say i have a cube and i want to show its front face, back face , and right and left faces? If so how would one go about doing this?
Hi guys so i have a array of 12bit values that im getting via serial i am storing that data in an 2D array and based on the reading i get i display it as a pixel on the screen 0 - black, 4095 - White. my 2d Array is [16][8] what i would like to use bicubic interpolation on these matrix with a factor 10 how would i go about doing that? below is my test code. parssedData[][] is the 2d array i use to generate the the image on screen.
Basically what i would like to do is interpolate this array using the interpolation() function within openCV and generate the interpolated image on screen.
import processing.serial.*;
import processing.video.*;
import blobDetection.*;
import fullscreen.*;
import hypermedia.video.*;
//Initialise Variables
/*Setup serial*/
Serial dataPort; //create object from serial class