Hello all, I have this assignment for my computer class, to make a program in processing, that can, when clicked on a menu, apply different effects to an image.
Right now I am stuck on the last 3 requirements, I need to be able to click somewhere and do the following 3 things (respectively)
Mark edges
PImage original; // mit original billede
PImage temporary; // mit midlertidige billede
PImage menu; // menu billede
void setup(){
original = loadImage("Udklip.PNG"); //loader billede
This is my code so far, I need to fix the flipping vertically and horizontally, but i forgot what to put after the temporary.pixels, but I willl remember soon I think :)
My question is, how do I go about blurring, marking edges, and sharpening my image? I think it has something to do with matrixes or arrays, but I am so confused about it.
The teacher told me it had to do something with the pixels, so I couldnt use premade commands / other ways of manipulating the photo, it had to be interely with the pixels..
Hope there are some friendly souls who will help me :)