Hi all,
Am very new to this and am trying to load and display 100+ channels of information (1's and zero's) in a CSV file to the screen in specific co-ordinates. Each row in the CSV file relates to a specific sequential time point and each column a channel or location. The data is ones and zreos - one being true, two being false at each location for each time period. The grid is just to help me plot co-ordinates.
I was thinking to assign a small quad to each channel and then reading the rows to have each square change color when returning a true value. However I have struggled to work out how to do this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
size (400,400);
int x1=0; //for horizontal lines
int x2=400;
for (int y1=400;y1>0;) {
line (x1,(y1=y1-20), x2,y1);
int y2=0; //for vertical lines
int y3=400;
for (int x3=0;x3<400;) {
line ((x3=x3+20),y2,x3,y3);
quad (180,60,200,60,200,80,180,80); //assigning channels to quad areas (H13)
quad (180,80,200,80,200,100,180,100); //assigning channels to quad areas (H12)
quad (180,100,200,100,200,120,180,120); //assigning channels to quad areas (H11)