So, I'm currently working on project for my friend, and she had idea about making a real physical wallpaper out of the waveform. Just a pure waveform, derived from some piece by Mozart or Bach, or someone. Well, it's kind of working. My plan is to print it out on multiple sheets and put them together. So far I've managed to draw waveform to Pdf file, even printing on multiple pages, using Minim & PDF libraries. But my problem lies in the result.
I have no idea why, but result is very, very repetitive.And maybe it's not reading the way it supposed to be reading, because I tried to run some wav samples it dubby basses with few upper harmonics and result was nothing even nearly looking as waveform in Audition or Ableton Live.
Anybody has an idea why is this happening?
import processing.opengl.*; //just for testing import processing.pdf.*; import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim; AudioPlayer groove; int parts = 50; int count = 0; boolean test; void setup() {
//size(1200, 900, OPENGL); size(841, 1200, PDF, "test_out.pdf"); frameRate(400); minim = new Minim(this); // try changing the buffer size to see how it changes the effect groove = minim.loadFile("groove.wav", 12000);; background(0); }
void draw() { PGraphicsPDF pdf = (PGraphicsPDF) g; pushMatrix(); strokeWeight(0.05); stroke(255); translate(count*(width/parts), 0); for ( int i = 0; i < groove.bufferSize() - 1; i++ ) {
I'm currently working on project for school and I'm interested in OpenCV processing of video stream from Skype. I'm not really sure how to access the video. Is there some direct way, or do I have to work it up on some kind of "punk-like" style? :)
I was looking for Skype API and it seems to be payed or something. And I'm not really sure if I could work it out on my own anyway, as my skills with Processing itself are, let's say on medium level... ehm.
I'm using a processing for quite a while, but this time, I'm stucked.
I'm trying to do something like stripes on lower part of this
image, generaly stripes with kinda perspective distortion. I used for loop to generate coordinates for x-axis for quads, but for some reason, quads are drawing across each other, almost like connected to each other. This is a source code: