I have a group of frequencies that are only meaningful in comparison to one another... their are 8 "channels" that, together, roughly take up between 0Hz and 50Hz. Each individually does not have an upper limit. They are only "meaningful" in relation to one another.
They are being generated by a Mindwave Headset (that reads brainwaves, delta, theta, beta, etc...). I am trying to get a "meaningful" number from each of the frequency ranges... percentages perhaps?
In the end I want a manageable number for each channel that I can use in my sketch. ideally something that can be remapped as need requires.
So I have a stream of data that gets updated once every second from a hardware device. I am using the values in that stream to determine the size of a ellipse.
To make the animation more fluid, I set up an array to ease the animation between the current value and the previous.
It works to ease the animation, but it ends up ignoring the max values of "ch1"(the value before easing). Say the maximum possible value of "ch1" is 100, "eCh1" (the output of my easing), could go beyond 100.
my easing is set to .05 and my frame rate is 30 fps.
I want to track the tip of a large pen. Basically I will put two LED lights on the pen and will track those points based on color and brightness. If I know the locations of the two LED lights, is it possible to extrapolate the location of the tip of the pen?
I am using a Kinect camera for all this.
Is there a better way to track the tip of the pen? It does not have to be super accurate, but must maintain relative consistency.
So.... I have a short movie (.mov file) that i am breaking up into a pixel grid. Each pixel is drawn as a rectangle, with each rectangle having a z location (and size) based on it's colors brightness level.
Everything was working fine in 2.05b... each new frame would draw on top of the the previous frame. So all the z locations, of each rectangle, were relative to only the current frame being drawn, above the previous frames. This is how I want it.
Now however, in 2.06b, the z-locations are relative to every rectangle on screen, regardless of whether they are in the current or previous frames. So a rectangle being drawn in the current frame with a z location of 100, would be drawn underneath a rectangle in a previous frame with a z location greater than 100. This is not what I want.
I do not want to clear the background at the end of each draw cycle, because of the demands of what i'm trying to accomplish.
I'm fairly new to Processing and programming in general.
So I have a particle class that defines a particle.....
void display() {
stroke(255, lifespan);
fill(255, lifespan);
ellipse(location.x, location.y, 4, 4);
...but I want to redefine that color at run time, in Draw. I want the color to change dynamically based on certain variables. Any way I can make this happen? Here is the code, pertaining to the particle system that I have in draw... It works fine, but just calls the particle system with the color already defined in the class.