I need some help creating a speech synthesizer. The basic idea is to take in input from the built-in microphone in my computer and change it to sound like someone else is talking. It's kinda like one of those Darth Vader helmets that they made when Star Wars was having a huge boon. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!
I am trying to implement a command line in my processing program, if anybody has any working code for a command line or any suggestion on what I should do. PLEASE COMMENT!!! I really need the help
I am trying to get the following code to make the shapes rotate around the center using the camera() function. All it does is begin at the starting point, then move to a second point exactly half-way between the x and y axis. You can try the code for yourself to see what it does.
int domeRadius = 100;
int cwidth = 25;
int cheight = 100;
int csides = 50;
int sectorRadius = 75;
int R = 93;
int G = 93;
int BDome = 139;
int ADome = 128;
int A = 255;
int B = 255;
float cangle = 0;
float initialRotationx = 0;
float initialRotationy = width/2;
float rotationx = initialRotationx;
float rotationy = initialRotationy;
void cylinder(float w, float h, int sides)
float angle;
float[] x = new float[sides+1];
float[] z = new float[sides+1];
//get the x and z position on a circle for all the sides
for(int i=0; i < x.length; i++){
angle = TWO_PI / (sides) * i;
x[i] = sin(angle) * w;
z[i] = cos(angle) * w;
//draw the top of the cylinder
vertex(0, -h/2, 0);
//draw the center of the cylinder
for(int i=0; i < x.length; i++){
vertex(x[i], -h/2, z[i]);
vertex(x[i], h/2, z[i]);
//draw the bottom of the cylinder
vertex(0, h/2, 0);
for(int i=0; i < x.length; i++){
vertex(x[i], h/2, z[i]);