Hi, after lots of research I copied the RXTXcomm.jar and libRXTXSerial.jnilib from the Arduino package into the Processing package library locations and also onto harddisk/Library/Java/Extensions, then I opened the permissions for lock and spool folders under /var/ to read &wrote for everyone. Here is the error I get, with some code leading up to it. I'd appreciate any suggestions, as I am totally out of options now!
I installed Processing 2.0a4 on Mac OSX Snow Leopard. Once the ZIP file decompressed automatically after the download, I do get the Processing.app, which works in general. However, the folder structure which should contain the libraries in Documents/Processing/libraries is there but empty.
A search for processing.serial.* returns no results, the files are not on my Mac.
Running a sketch with serial communication methods creates an error: UnsatisfiedLinkError: no rxtxSerial in java.library.path
How can I get the libraries installed ?? The site says nothing about this, as far as I can see....
I'm working on a digital and analog scope application. The code below draws the basic scope screen (works), and then displays an analog and a digial channel with simulated signals (works partially).
final for loop generates the correct output in the terminal window, but on the scope display only about the first quarter of the two signals a_signal[] and d_sign[] (arrays of length width) is being drawn.
What am I doing wrong???
int traces = 2; //number of traces = channels, must be even!
int[] base = {200, 600}; // array of channel base line locations
void setup() {
size(1000, 800);
background(0); //scope-like black screen background
stroke(0,0,255, 255); //strong blue for outer frame
line(0,0,width,0); //frame
line(0,0,0,height); //frame
line(width-1,0,width-1,height); //frame
line(0, height-1, width, height-1); //frame
stroke(0,128,128,128); //transparent green for base lines
line(0,base[0],width-1,base[0]); //analog channel base line
line(0,base[1],width-1,base[1]); //digital channel base line
stroke(0,128,128,64); //weak green for screen middle separation