For the past year I’ve been working on my Android app Sonaur (aur relates to the ear, son as in sonic). Basically, it is a sound toy.
The idea was to have three unique organisms that interact together to produce different sounds and visuals. One, for example, is a hanging plant which pans the audio when the phone is tilted from side to side. Another is a flock of flying insects that pollinates the hanging plants to produce stalks that vibrate like marimba keys on contact.
All the visual forms (besides the icons) and sounds are generative.
The interface is unorthodox, I think it works with the feel of the app.
Sonaur is $1.99 on the Android market, and you can find it here. Please feel free to ask me any questions via this thread, or by email (
Thanks guys!
I should also mention that I developed the app on a Droid Incredible, I don't recommend running it on older hardware.