I'm communicating between SHT15 sensor and Arduino EtherTen via serial port.
I wanted Processing to read one set of values and evaulate it before it can read the next set of values.I am not sure if that is possible.
I have tried to do that in the code below. I get the following error. I am not sure if the way I have written my code actually is correct format.I have researched online but please advice
I am newbie at arduino. I am working with Arduino Uno (EtherTen) and SHT15 (temperature and humidity sensor).
I have got the sensor working, also got the sensor sending email alert but the email alert is not sending the preferred values. The sensor is communicating via the serial port. I am using Windows XP machine.
Please advice on how to change the sensed values which are "float" to a string, separate the values required put them into different variables and then compare with set threshold values (using if loops), to send out various alerts.
Is this the simplest way to approach this project? If any one has done something similar, please point me in the right direction, that should be of huge help :)