I've done my research to solve this problem but without any success.
I want my rectangle to switch its fill randomly black or white, but all I
can see is a black rectangle.
Who has a suggestion?
float x;
float y;
color white =color(255);
color black =color(0);
color[] colors = { //random selects one of above colors
Some of you already helped me to produce this border detection. So far so great. The "but" is following ...
Now I want to create a simple melody based on the height of the red vertex.
For the first step I started to add something like a scan bar that moves to x-direction.
But it just appeared in the right corner and doesn't move.
Who can help or knows probably a better start to work out?
PImage test_image;
color black = color(0);
color white = color(255);
int[] positions;
float scan_bar;
void setup() {
positions = new int[width];
test_image = loadImage("skyline.jpg");
scan_bar = width;
find the first black pixel from the top (y) for each column (x)*/
void findPositions() {
for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
for (int y=0; y<height; y++) {
if (y==0)
{ positions[x] = -1; }
int index = x + y * width;
color c = pixels[index];
if (c == black) {
positions[x] = y;
print (positions[x]);
print (" ");
draw the found positions with a thick red stroke*/
I want to make a very easy sound programm but as a newbie there's nothing easy in its beginnings ;)
Idea_ The higher the mouse the higher the frequency. I tried following but I got this error message:
"the local variable freq may not have bee initialised".
relating to an older post I've got an new question.
How to express following with code language:
The first black pixel of an column will be saved
and after that the programm should go on scanning
the next column, saving a pixel position again and
so on and so in.
Thanks for any help.
Would dist() probably help? My idea is that it
calculates the distance between the very first pixel
and the first black pixel. But I also don't know what's
this in code language.
for (int x = 0; x < source.width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < source.height; y++ ) {
int loc = x + y*source.width;
int black = 0;
int white = 255;
if (brightness (destination.pixels[loc]) == black) {
// save the position of the first black pixel in this column