Processing Forum
semplice.mente's Profile
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    Hi all,

    I downloaded and installed/unzip:
    - Opencv 2.1 libraries from official Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) repositories
    - Processing 1.2.1 stable release for linux from google code
    - OpenCV Processing Library 2.0 beta for linux 32bit  from ubaa.net site

    Then, following the instruction on ubaa.net page, i copied Opencv Processing Library into my Processing libraries folder and linked the content of the folder in my Java Extensions folder (previously i downloaded and installed java-sun-1.4 because of this warning.

    I also copied libOpenCV.so in /usr/lib directory (as suggested here).

    So, if I would like to try a sample code like this by Andy Best in Eclipse i get this error:
    1. !!! required library not found : /usr/lib/libOpenCV.so: libhighgui.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
      Verify that the java.library.path property is correctly.
    Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that libOpenCV.so is looking for libhighgui.so.4 and cannot find it but... it's obvious: opencv current release is 2.1 not 4 !!
    why libOpenCV.so is linked to version 4? can anyone solve this bug?
    how to fix? (there's no forum or "contact us" link on ubaa.net)

    Thank you for your help.
    I hope my post will be useful for someone else..


    ps. I tried to download and unzip OpenCV Processing Library 0.1 and copied related libOpenCV.so in /usr/lib but, as expected, I got a similar error wit libhighgui.so.1 instead of libhighgui.so.4 (but, in this case it's ok: one or two years ago, when the current version of opencv was 1.0 there weren't any problems).

    pps. Obviously, to run Processing code in Eclipse, I followed this tutorial