Hi am really stuck rebuilding this program i created at university as I cannot get this library to work, was designed for processing 1.1 so that may be the issue.
The code creates a stylized image of the live webcam feed only when faces are detected, otherwise it displays the last image generated with a face.
But am having trouble integrating this into my original code. As the open CV example code does not use capture cam, when I try to put the two codes together I am asking two different libraries to create an image.
Here is my original code if anyone can help me out I would be very grateful its been driving me up the wall.
title: interactive pop art screen
description: veiwer portrait in pop art style, tiled filtered images
created: 9th Januarry 2009
By: Sean Doyle
//import libraries
import fullscreen.*;
import processing.video.*;
import FaceDetect.*;
//call libraries
FaceDetect fd;
Capture cam;
FullScreen fs;
//int for face detection
int MAX = 10;
int[][] Faces = new int[MAX][3];
void setup(){
size(1280,800,P3D); //set size to screen resolution
fs = new FullScreen(this);
fs.enter(); //set sketch to full screen mode
cam = new Capture(this, 640, 480); //capture camera image