I am new to geomerative. The tutorials look like a great start, but basic terms and concepts are sparsely defined. I want to use an SVG drawing that I created in Inkscape. Once the SVG file has been loaded, I want to be able to specify nodes along the contours of paths (if I am using the correct terminology) and draw dots there. How would the polygonizer aid in this process? Can more of the theory behind geomerative be discussed?
I want to connect three bezier curves together (e.g. curve A's end point is curve B's begin point and curve B's end point is curve C's begin point). Once programmed in, I would like to use
I wish to simulate thread being looped around nails. I believe this requires a solution to something that in mathematics circles as the "circle-circle tangent problem" (see
MathWorld). To get a solution to this problem, it is necessary to solve some simultaneous equations (see web page). Can I be referred to a processing or a java library to help with this?
String art was very popular during the 1970's. It involves pounding nails into a wood board at certain intervals, then winding string(s) around the nails to achieve an artistic effect. A video that demonstrates the making of a string art piece is given by this link:
string art video. For pictures of string art works, click on the following link:
string art images.
I am interested in converting clip art to string art patterns. The clip art would supply curves, and then I would need to mark positions for nails along the curves. Finally, I would care to simulate the weaving of thread around the nails. Any code snippets to facilitate this process would be appreciated.