Have scanned quite a few pages and forums in relation to creating and displaying a simple button with a click event without really finding what I am looking for.
Can anyone please indicate how this is done? I thought this was going to be easy, but every time I try to create a button, I end up with errors left right and center.
Do I need to edit the AndroidManifest.XML file ? I would prefer to create a button at runtime.
The Android developers website seems to cover buttons, however this appears to be geared more towards Eclipse, rather than Processing.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated - or even a simple sketch that displays a button (with a clickEventListener)
What am I missing? I am trying to install a Bluetooth library into Processing (
I have looked at File/Preferences to check my chosen sketch location.
I have previously and successfully installed another library into the
libraries folder in this sketch location.
I downloaded the zip file from the BtSerial site: and when extracted to my libraries folder - it fails to show up in processing, despite a processing reboot. In windows explorer, the extracted folder is named:
BtSerial-master (which is a folder that contains various java files and classes etc etc).
I cannot find a BtSerial-master.jar file within this folder, so have I just totally missed something?
I am sure it will be something easy but am a bit bamboozled. Can anyone shed some light?