Ok, I've made a program with the krister.Ess-library and a movie - which glitches whenever there is noise. My problem is that it is constantly glitching and never "normal". So, if I want the video to glitch "only-when-spoken-to"-ish what should I do?
This is what I got so fare:
import krister.Ess.*;
AudioStream myStream;
AudioInput myInput;
PitchShift myShift;
Amplify myAmplify;
Reverb myReverb;
import processing.video.*;
Movie myMovie;
boolean inputReady=false;
float[] streamBuffer;
boolean toggle=true;
PImage b;
PFont font = createFont("Sans Serif", 36);
void setup() {
// start up Ess
// create a new AudioInput (4k buffer)
myInput=new AudioInput(4096);
// create a new AudioStream (4k buffer)
myStream=new AudioStream(myInput.size);
streamBuffer=new float[myInput.size];