Processing Forum
import de.humatic.dsj.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
class DCapture implements java.beans.PropertyChangeListener {
private DSCapture capture;
public int width, height;
{ DSFilterInfo[][] dsi = DSCapture.queryDevices();
capture = new DSCapture(DSFiltergraph.DD7, dsi[0][0], false, DSFilterInfo.doNotRender(), this);
width = capture.getDisplaySize().width;
height = capture.getDisplaySize().height;
public PImage updateImage()
PImage img = createImage(width, height, RGB);
BufferedImage bimg = capture.getImage();
bimg.getRGB(0, 0, img.width, img.height, img.pixels, 0, img.width);
return img;
public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
switch (DSJUtils.getEventType(e)) { }
Sample code that uses the DCapture class
DCapture cap ;