I'm doing a performance where I scan the performers silhouette with Kinect and then change that "Alpha Mask" with content imported by syphon.
This is supposed to be projected into a wall where the performers are but I'm having problems calibrating the projector point of view with kinect's point of view so the projection on the bodies match up correctly.
I'm using the SimpleOpenNI/NITE/OpenNI library in processing.
Guys, I'm trying to set up a connection between Arduino and Processing with Firmata but there is some problem with Processing( I guess).
I'm running Processing 1.5.1 because 2.0b8 doesn't work with firmata and I've already uploaded StandardFirmata to my Uno Board and using the Input Example, I'm not getting any response from the board.
But the board is working because I've used the standalone program FirmataTest to test it and it's communicating, but not with processing.
Can anybody help me? I really need this to work by Tuesday!