I recently purchased this device from ebay,
Link The device works great with the Ulead software that came with it. I have a micro camera connected to it for a project I am working on. The problem is when I try to capture the feed in Processing all I get is a black frame. I have included a test sketch as follows. Am I missing a codec or perhaps coding the sketch improperly? Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is a integral part of a bigger project I am working on.
Test sketch:
import processing.video.*;
Capture cam;
void setup() {
size(720, 480);
String[] cameras = Capture.list();
if (cameras.length == 0) {
println("There are no cameras available for capture.");
} else {
println("Available cameras:");
for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) {
cam = new Capture(this, 720, 480, cameras[0], 30);
I have an area on my project where I am feeding a camera feed to. I have overlaid a rectangle for a gauge indicator on top of the Frame for the camera feed. Is there a method to make the rectangle somewhat transparent as if you could see through it?
I am just learning processing so don't know all the little tricks yet... Thanks.
I'd like to share my current project which is coming along quite nicely. It is a RC flight control system with a Arduino interface in the RC aircraft. The interface can control up to nine servos with a RC flight simulator controller I purchased. But the sketch could be easily modified for just about any game controller. At the moment the prototype is using serial to communicate, however the plan is to use a pair of Xbee Pro's (Long Range) for communication to and from the aircraft. Included also will be a RF video feed from the aircraft and GPS tracking. Future design versions will include GPS flight navigation but for now I can just locate the aircraft. I mainly put this together with examples found on the net and modified them to suit my needs. To the best of my knowledge everything used is Open Source.
If anyone is interested in working with me on this project I will be happy to publish it to GitHub. Thanks for looking at my project.
I have jst started playing with controlP5 library and what a fantastic library... However I might be asking to much from the library. I am not sure. Using the following sample sketch I have two questions.
1. How do you position the multiple Frames/Windows created by controlP5?
2. How does one setup separate processing applets for the three Frames/Windows created by controlP5?
Any help would be greatly apreciated as I am very new to this library...
Is there a set protocol for installing the "de" libraries for Unfolding with Processing? I keep getting an error saying Processing can not find the library. Mind you I have installed quite a few libraries in my adventures so this is not my first rodeo. I have placed the "de" folder into the "C:\My Documents\processing\libraries" but when I run the sketch it says it can't find the "de" library. I am open to any suggestions anyone may have.
After working with processing for a bit and hacking my way through many examples I have a problem I can not figure out that should be easy to solve, (I hope...) In my project I need to place a map on the screen but not the whole screen. I am using ModestMaps for my map application. I have created a sample sketch as an example, as the project sketch is far to large. My goal is to get the map where the rectangle is and have the rest of the screen for other uses.
See Sketch:
Also, how would you place multiple maps on the screen?
hello all... After loading the library "procontroll.*" into the libraries folder. and running the "procontroll_printDevices" sketch, I can't seem to get it to work. I believe it is because I do not have the "java.io.*" installed on my system, however, I could be wrong. The sketch runs, but does nothing.
My goal is to interface a USB joystick to a processing sketch. After searching the net for a bit I found the library"procontroll" which seems to fit the bill but if it does not work it is useless. I am new to processing, so if there is another method out there to achieve this task I am open to suggestions. below is a copy of the sketch code:
import procontroll.*;
import java.io.*;
ControllIO controll;
void setup(){
controll = ControllIO.getInstance(this);
for(int i = 0; i < controll.getNumberOfDevices(); i++){