Hi, everybody. My name is Enric and i'm a vj and at the same time an enthusiast of processing, with what I've really done very interesting visual works but... how beautyfull would be if we could sume the graphic potential of this software with the realtime inputs in realtime video sessions!
I'm not really interested in the workflow of quartz and I think I don't want to be forced to work with it. I know that people of Resolume or Vdmx need the API of processing for allow this software to be recognized by the vj'ing tools.
From here I mention this issue, hoping some people think about it and write it's own idea and, first of all, I beg to the people of processing to recognize this interest from a lot of people willing to enjoy more and more of this wonderfull tool.
i've not been programing since many time ago and i can say I'm pretty a beginner.
In the last time I've been trying to do more complicated thinks but very often I find the same problem:
I do not know how to get an integer form an arraylist that i've created just for that, for saving integers and then use them.
Example: I've written an example for you to identify the problem, I know that I could get this drawing in another way, what I need is to get an int from the arrayList).
Thank you everybody, I would be very very pleased I've someone can explain it to me. Thank you very much to everybody!!