Processing 1.5.1 in Linux (Fedora 14)
My application has five separate windows (frames) which I wish to arrange in a particular layout.
All except the first (main) window behave as expected but the first fails to position itself on the first run of a session.
The code is -
void setup() {
// The Main frame
size(1000, 100, P2D);
frame.setTitle("Sunlight Calculator");
frameRate(10); // Default is 60
font = createFont("Liberation Serif Italic", 12, true);
... and more ....
On the first run of a session it opens at the default, middle-of-screen, position.
On second and subsequent executions it starts correctly positioned at (0,0), even after exiting Processing and re-opening the sketch file.
It is only after shutting down the machine and re-starting that the mis-behaviour occurs just the once.
In development terms it is only a minor inconvenience but -
a) it will stop me from publishing the work and
b) it might be of interest to you as a symptom of some deeper problem in the system (memory leak etc?)
Any suggestions on how to set about tracking this down?
I have some 3D graphics running ok in a simple application where the 3D functionality is obtained by specifying P3D in the size() call.
I am now extending and re-organising the application to put the 3D graphics in a subsidiary window.
I am creating the second window with - "class animationFrame extends JFrame { etc etc" - but the size() call is not recognised in this and so I can see no way of specifying P3D.
I suspect that the problem comes from choosing JFrame, but this was because it allows me to specify setDefaultCloseOperation() which is one of my requirements.
Can anyone help me untangle this?
Trying to include a user instructions panel in my application I am getting very poor text quality.
I have tried various sizes, different fonts, and both the loadFont and createFont commands, the latter with its smoothing parameter set to True but with no improvement.
It is as if I need higher resolution on my screen, but the adjacent frame title etc text is fine.
Any/all suggestions welcome!
Working in Linux (Fedora 12) and having trouble getting an exported applet to run in Firefox -
Attempting to install the Firefox Java plugin, for avoidance of doubt I am referencing the Java which was downloaded with Processing and I see two plugin options
and ~/processing-1.5.1/java/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29/
I have searched and not found any reference on which to use and have tried both without success.
Could anyone give me guidance on this please?
I have an array of mixed classes of object.
As I scan sequentially through the array how can I determine the class of each object?
I notice that println(object) has managed to determine it but cannot find a method for me to use.